Page 2 of Unwanted Vows
The waitress smirks at us. “Oh, like that is it? You’re a lucky girl, Maddy. Andrew is going to inherit money from both the Lane and the Aims empires. But don’t forget,” she leans over in a way that makes sure I get a good view down her cleavage, “When you dig for gold, you sometimes get more than you’ve bargained for.”
“Knock it off,” I say, “and get us a couple of glass bottles of Coke – with the lids still on. If you can’t do it, I’ll find someone who can, since apparently you don’t understand the words ‘Coca-Cola.'" I put a little edge of menace into my voice.
God, how I hate these games and hearing about my family. If I’m being honest, I don’t want a cent of my family’s money. I just want to escape from them.
The server pouts at me, but flounces away, presumably to get the drinks as I asked.
“I’m sorry,” I say. “I shouldn’t have brought you here. But my friends would be unhappy if I didn’t put in an appearance.”
“It’s all right,” she says, even though I can tell that it really isn’t. She’s clearly uncomfortable. This isn’t her kind of scene. She’s brilliant in the classroom and in the ER where we’ve been working together. She’s clearly not as confident away from the hospital or campus.
“It’s your last night stateside. Of course your friends want to make sure you have a good time.”
“Thanks for understanding,” I say, as the woman shows back up with two bottles of soda, their sides perspiring in the warm room.
The woman says, “Lids are still on, just like you asked. You want glasses of ice?”
“No, thanks.” I say. “The bottles are fine.”
“Whatever,” she mutters under her breath, tossing her head, and sashaying off to find a more promising table.
“Why bottles?” Maddy asks.
“Because sealed bottles aren’t likely to have anything extra added to them, unlike the glasses we were served.”
I reach for her hand across the table and she tilts her head to the side giving me a shy smile then avert her gaze to the dance floor. There’s some kind of dance competition going on, and the dancers are almost as good as they think they are.
Maddy watches them avidly, one finger tapping the table in time to the lively beat.
I’ve taken a dance class or two. I figure I can hold my own with this bunch. “Want to join them?” I ask.
She downs the rest of her drink. “Sure,” she says.
She stands up, and I lead her out onto the floor. I admire the way she looks. She isn’t flashy or obvious, She’s tied her blouse under her small breasts, baring her tan midriff.
On her feet she has a pair of scuffed black and white penny loafers. They are her favorites, because they are comfortable.
“Ladies choice,” I say. “What should I ask for?”
“A tango,” she says.
I lift my eyebrows in surprise. “You sure?” I ask.
She nods. A look of mischief on her face. “Hope you can keep up with me.”
After a couple of words with the DJ, he nods, and sorts through his collection. We pose on the dance floor, waiting for the opening beat.
Maddy takes up a starting position, and waves me toward her. “Come closer to me,” she says. “I don’t bite.”
“But you say silly things to lions in the zoo,” I tease her as I place my hand on her slim waist. Her breath catches as she looks up at me and I feel it too, a spark flows from Maddy to me. I finally understand what people mean by ‘sparks flying’ I’d never felt it with anyone before. It’s what made me want to take her on a date in the first place. She’s nothing like the women I would usually date, but something about her calls to me.
“That’s my literary self,” she says back with a shake of her glorious hair. “Don’t get confused.”
I’m prepared to guide Maddy through the figures, but she surprises me. The dance is perfect for her slight body, as she glides, slides, and improvises to the strong beat.
Her moves are graceful, sensual, and athletic, stopping just short of risqué. She incorporates elements of Flamenco and clogging, as well as a couple of moves that have to be from ballet.
“Where did you learn to dance like this?” I ask her, pulling her in close, then spinning her away from me again.