Page 23 of Grand Escape
“I love this song,” she said with way too much excitement in her voice.
“Having fun?” I asked, noting her Apple watch and designer swimsuit.
“The best time. My friend Rochelle is getting married, and you only do that once, you know. I mean, hopefully. Anyway, we said we havvvve to go on a trip to celebrate. Just the girls. Me, I’m Lily, and our other five besties, insisted. Then poof, just like that, Rochelle’s dad sent us all here.”
“Nice. This place is one of the best,” I said, affirming her choice.
“I mean, it’s more than nice, am I right? Look how many people are here.”
“For sure,” I said, sticking a signature swizzle stick with fruit in each drink.
“I grew up in Kansas. My dad’s a farmer, and we never went anywhere. I met Rochelle in college. Wisconsin. I went on a volleyball scholarship. I mean, I work hard now, but this is another level. I like it, though. Definitely not complaining.”
The whole time Lily talked, she kept swaying to the music and sipping on the margarita she was finishing.
And I meant that. This girl, who I was pretty certain was around my age, was living her best life. I couldn’t blame her. She got to do it without any expectations.
“You don’t have to wait,” I told her. “I’ll send someone out with the drinks. There’s too many for you to carry.”
“Oh, I know. We couldn’t find our server, and I had to go to the bathroom anyway.”
I nodded and turned to get one more garnish when I heard, “Hiii,” in a sultrier version of Lily’s voice.
Turning once again, I caught the object of her sexy tone. Adam.
Keeping one eye on the bar and one on the scene unfolding, I watched Lily pop a hip and toss her hair back, laughing like a hyena in expectation of whatever Adam was about to say.
Which ended up being simply, “Excuse me.” He swerved around her and headed straight to the bar.
Lily didn’t seem too upset as she flounced back to the pool. After all, she was on a free luxury vacation.
“Looks like they’re getting their money’s worth out of you today,” he said, stealing a cherry from my garnish tray.
“Hey, Tim,” I called to a runner. “Can you take these to the party by the deep end of the pool? The cabana on the end.”
The surfer-looking beach bum said, “Sure thing,” and sprinted off with my hard work.
Looking back to find Adam stealing a pineapple wedge, I said teasingly, “Hey, that’s for bartenders only.”
“It’s okay. I know a bartender,” he lowered his voice, “really well.”
“Oh yeah? Who? I may know her. Or him.”
“Super-sassy blond. Smart, funny, and fast,” he said, and when I side-eyed him, he held up a hand. “Not like that. I mean, actually fast on her feet. Runs a heck of a pace.”
“Hmm, I don’t know anyone who can beat me around here.”
He laughed. “Do you get a discount in the spa? Because I could really use a massage. I did the elliptical this morning.”
I got close and leaned on the bar, making sure my words were only for him. “Did you have to fight off some wealthy cougar to get a spot?”
“Don’t you know it,” he said as he snagged another cherry.
“How about a drink to go with your cherries?”
“I’m sticking to club soda, lady. Hoping to take out the fast bartender tonight.”