Page 33 of Love is Grand
“Mom, I have eggs at home,” she said as she grabbed a plate and began piling cinnamon pancakes and bacon on it.
“One or two bites,” I said, and she nodded.
We sat, and the server brought coffee around. “Oh, Shell, I’m pouring the new blend. Would you like some?”
I nodded. I knew a few cups of coffee were permitted in my current state, plus I needed the soothing aroma to comfort me. Coffee always reminded me of my dad, and his calmness would be what I wanted to embody today.
“You’re not eating?”
Rylan popped by the table, looking perfect in jean shorts and a pale pink tank top, a cardigan, and her sparkly new wedding band.
“I got so busy with Weezie.”
I smoothed my hand over my hair. It was still straight from the day before, but I could feel the humidity wafting in from the open French doors. It wouldn’t be long before it started to curl.
“Go make a plate,” she said and shooed me off with her hand.
I didn’t argue ... until I arrived at the buffet and wanted to turn around. Making himself a plate was a freshly shaven Cal. Eggs and fruit covered his plate as his yummy smell wafted off him.
“Morning,” he said.
I nodded and helped myself to some fruit.
“What about your pancakes?”
“Oh, Weez got hers.”
“You need more than that.”
“Cal, you don’t know the first thing about my condition,” I said, not wanting to say the word pregnancy aloud.
He nodded and then placed a pancake on my plate, followed by some eggs. “See you after you eat and get Weezie settled. I’m in my usual room ... for privacy. I imagine you don’t want to have this conversation around others.”
I had to give it to him; the guy was slick.
It was doubtful I had anything insightful left to say, so I went to eat.
Weezie hugged Rylan good-bye and went back to gobbling up her food. I took a bite of my pancake, and it was awfully good. As if Cal had willed it, I’d just finished everything on my plate as Teddi appeared.
“Hey, Weez, want to go to the beach with me?”
“Teddi, really?” My daughter hopped out of her chair, ready to rush out the door.
I had to hand it to her, Teddi knew what she was doing too, earning brownie points with me as she swept my daughter out of here. Weezie knew Teddi because she’d hung out at my place a few times, bringing wine over for a girls’ night.
Weezie bounced up and down next to me. “Oh, Mommy, can I?”
Unable to dislodge the lump in my throat, I nodded. “She just ate a huge breakfast, so I would stay out of the water for a while. Her swimsuit is on under her clothes.”
“No worries. We’ll pick up some seashells while we’re out there.”
“Oh, can you sunscreen her?”
Teddi nodded.
“See you later,” the pair both hollered as they walked away.
I caught Cal out of the corner of my eye, watching the scene before slipping out too. Wiping my mouth, I set my napkin down and went to walk the plank.