Page 72 of Love is Grand
Afterward, I undressed Shell and helped her into a warm shower, then joined her, taking my time soaping her body. As I caressed her stomach, something moved. I jolted, which of course sent Shell into a fit of laughter.
“That’s your little animal in there. He likes to move around when there’s water running. He’s a beach baby.”
“Can I?” I asked, my hand hovering over her abdomen, and she nodded.
I placed my hand carefully on her belly and moved it around. Sure enough, the little guy gave me another jab.
My lips immediately sought Shell’s. I couldn’t find words to describe how I was feeling, so I showed her with my mouth and my tongue. Later, I made love slowly to her under the blankets.
We fell asleep naked and tangled in each other’s arms, which sure was a shock when Weezie came wandering into our room the next morning.
Of course, I nearly fell out of bed, but Shell handled it like a champ, sending Weezie to go get her a glass of water, then she quickly jumped up and tossed on a robe.
Everything was so perfect. I hated that the end of our little vacation was approaching.
• August •
“Mom, is Cal going to be here when I’m done at art camp?”
“Yes, baby girl.”
I took a swig of my decaf iced tea and pressed the cool glass to my forehead. The heat, my nerves, the extra weight, all of it was getting the best of me.
“Are we going swimming at his house? Please! Please!” Weezie danced around on one foot and then the other while pleading.
“I’m sure if you would like to swim, we can,” I said, but I also needed a dip in the pool myself. August heat had fallen on the island, and being pregnant was losing its allure super quick.
“Yes!” She fist-pumped the air, which made me wonder if she’d turned into a preteen overnight.
Weezie had been Cal’s number one fan since the New York trip. She cried when we said good-bye, clinging to him at the airport. Cal held her tight, acting like he was being strong for her, but I thought he was absorbing all of her affection. It was clear something had shifted during our visit, but it was time to go back to reality. He promised to call every night, and he’d kept true to his word.
Cal told me one night he’d decided to settle in and do a lot of work during July while the city was quieter, so he could come to the Caymans for an extended stay in August. We hadn’t discussed what his plans were when the baby came, nor had we said I love you again since the night on the beach.
“Can we stay at Cal’s like we did in New York? It’s really nice there,” Weezie said, pushing for more. She’d mentioned it before, and I kept saying no. I knew my daughter better than to think she’d give it a rest.
I wasn’t sure what exactly was making me hesitant. Staying there felt wrong—almost like a booty call. Then again, wasn’t that how this whole damn situation had started?
My phone rang with a text. It was Rylan, who was also back on the island. She planned to stay here until early October, and then go to the States to have the baby.
Do you have any banana syrup?
Somehow in between growing a baby, raising Weezie, traveling to New York, and talking with Cal on the phone, I was also seriously growing my syrup business. I’d play around with different recipes at the coffee shop, and then the factory would do a test run.
So far, every flavor was selling out as soon as we released it. The manufacturer’s direct sales were amazing, and I handled the local sales on the island. With the help of Teddi, I’d set up an Instagram page and shop, and some days I barely had the time to manage it.
I have a case at the coffee shop. Do you need some?
She wrote back right away with ten praying-hands emojis.
Yes! I’m planning this bridal brunch and the bride is allergic to coconut, so we’re doing banana chocolate chip pancakes. A touch of that syrup to the batter will make them pop.
Another thing the factory and I noticed was many chefs were using my syrups due to their natural nature to give a little zing to recipes, but I still loved enhancing coffees with them the most. Of course, I was focused on paying Cal back the capital he put up, and he refused to discuss it. Things were going so well, I hoped to have enough to repay them both soon.
I’m heading in now after I drop Weez at the Y. Want to swing by?
Yes, I do. And we can take a picture of our bumps together.