Page 81 of Love is Grand
He stood and walked toward the kitchen. I had no idea what he was doing, but I closed my eyes again.
“Here.” Cal was back with a glass of iced tea. “Have a drink.”
His tone was so demanding, I sat up and did as I was told.
He took my glass and set it next to me on the end table and then sat down beside me. Laying a hand on my belly, he ran his palm in circles. “Hey, baby, how ya holding up?” he said softly, his voice tender.
“Cal, not now. Don’t talk to the baby now. Talk to me. Why can’t everyone let this go?”
“Your dad called me on Monday after everything happened. As you know, Ricky spent Friday night in jail. He got out Saturday and went to see your dad.”
“Dad didn’t tell me.”
“Of course not. Your dad isn’t in the business of stressing you out. He told Ricky to get the hell out of your life. Ricky said a few choice words back and slunk away.”
I shook my head, feeling like I was in a fog. “My parents spent Sunday with me and never mentioned it.”
“I know that too. Your dad called on Monday to say he wanted that guy out of his granddaughter’s life. For good. So, I met with both of your parents, and then went with them to see a local lawyer. Then they came to you to discuss it, leaving me out of it.”
“For the record, I don’t accept us being over.”
Unable to think of what to say, I simply said, “Oh,” again.
Cal ran his lips along my cheek, and I could feel fresh tears sliding down my face.
“Shhh. This mess is going to be done soon. We’re not over, you hear me? What we have is too big to ever be over.”
Ignoring him, I wallowed a little more in my bad attitude. “I still don’t understand how you’re here today. I said I didn’t want to see you. I can’t do this. Us. It’s not meant to be. Even though I love you, it’s not.”
“Your daughter doesn’t agree with that. You see, she came downstairs and found you sleeping, so she called me.”
I felt my blood pressure climbing. “On what phone?”
“Shell, calm down. Your phone. She knew the passcode, she said, in case of emergency. She felt like this was an emergency because you were so tired and sleeping and needed me. And it was. You do need me, and I need you, and we’re doing this. End of discussion.”
My throat tightened, and I reached for the tea. Of course, Cal was there to get it for me. After a sip, I could finally talk.
“I can’t stand the idea of anything happening to you because of me, Cal. It would destroy me.”
“I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you or Weezie because of that fucker, pardon the language, and neither can your dad. We’re taking care of you two, protecting you both. Nothing is going to happen to me. I’m a grown man with resources and brains.”
“I’m scared,” I said softly, staring at my teacup.
“Don’t be.”
I wasn’t sure how he did it, turning every downturn into an upswing, but he did.
“I can’t help it, Cal.”
His hand rubbed up and down my arm, setting a fire and putting out a different one, all in one gesture. “Now, do me favor. Let’s put your engagement ring on ... I never got to do it the other night. Then we need to get Weezie and smooth this over.”
He shoved his hand in his pocket and brought out the ring he’d offered me the other night, like I was a done deal.
“I’m asking again, Shell, will you marry me?”
Waving a hand around aimlessly, I stammered, “I–I can’t promise it’ll be easy. What with my past, and clearly, my kid is a handful, and I don’t know if this is over.”