Page 1 of Ten Kisses
Chapter 1
Molly Kennedy
Raleigh, North Carolina
"Thank you for coming over, Salem," I said, smiling as I opened the door to my apartment.
"No problem," he said, stepping inside. "Whatcha got?"
I took a deep breath, working up the nerve to ask him for the favor. "I want to build a counter to go right there," I said, spitting it out nervously as I pointed to an empty corner of the room.
Salem glanced that way and then at me, and I gestured for him to follow me over to my couch.
He had never been in my apartment before, and he almost seemed too big for it. I watched as he looked around curiously. Salem had a certain professional presence about him, and I was oddly nervous under these circumstances. It didn't help that he was intimidatingly masculine and handsome, or that we had a bit of a history.
"I had a lot more stuff in this room before," I said, clearing my throat. "I've got most of my personal things moved into the bedroom. I'm trying to make it welcoming in here so people can make pick-ups."
"I saw the sign outside. Molly's Chocolates. It looks good. Did you paint it?"
"Yeah, thank you, I'm not done with it," I said. "It's another thing on my list. I'm trying to start distributing orders here. I was thinking about a counter over here, in this corner. Something small, but official, you know? I shopped at Ikea for some pieces I could put together, but I thought it would be amazing if I could talk to you. You know, about something custom. I know you're busy. I just wanted you to look at my drawing and see if you could do a piece like this."
I reached for the papers on the coffee table.
"So, you're trying to start your storefront in this apartment?" he asked, looking around.
"Just to start," I said. "This house is in a good spot. There's parking in the driveway. I can't afford an official storefront yet, but it would also be nice to have a way for people to pick up from me."
"You don't want people coming in your house," he said.
"Thanks, Dad."
"What does your dad say about it? What about John-Michael?"
"They don't even know. They don't need to know. It's not that big of a deal. I'm just having a few people pick up orders from me so I can cut down on deliveries. My landlords know about it. That's all that matters."
"What did you tell them?"
"Who?" I said.
"Your landlords. I can't imagine they'd want you doing a whole storefront right here from their garage."
I stared at him. Salem was my brother's wife's brother. My brother's brother-in-law? It sounded further away than it felt. My family was close with Salem, and he had been around at different family functions with his sister, Sadie.
He and I were cool. We had always gravitated toward each other, and we had hit it off as friends from the start.
We had also kissed several times, but they were isolated kissing incidents that I instigated in a moment of bravery. Any connection we had was fleeting and physical and meant nothing. We were drawn to each other, physically, though.
The aforementioned kisses were always brief and innocent. Salem was sweet that way. We were both single, and I liked him enough to put it out there one time when we found ourselves alone at my parents' property. We didn't have that close of a relationship, otherwise, but we had a secret kissing agreement, and it had been a good experience for me.
I didn't want to put that part of our relationship in jeopardy by asking him to help me out with the counter. I did, however, want a custom piece, and I would love it if he would agree to make it for me. It would be a bonus if he could give me the friends and family discount.
"Two pieces?" he asked, looking at my drawings. "I mean, depending on the material, size, and detail, anywhere from two to five."
"Hundred? That's great."