Page 39 of Ten Kisses
"At least a date. We've already been on dates. At this point, I'm thinking we get take out and eat it on my couch."
"That sounds amazing," she said.
She flexed her fingers, pulling him closer. He was about to kiss her, but she closed her eyes and made a face like she was imagining something.
"Salem?" she said, opening her perfect green eyes again.
"I need you to know that… the stool… and the offer of a first date… this is the best graduation present ever."
It crossed Salem's mind to compare it to the kitchen of her dreams that Darren Collins bought her, but he didn't. He wouldn't compare himself to that man when he knew he had Molly's affection in a different way. He knew it by the way she was looking at him. She was attracted to him. She wanted him. She was sweet about it and not forward, but she did want him. She shook like a leaf in his arms. She was shivering. It was May, and not cold at all, and she was shaking. He didn't bring it up because he loved it. She was like a little orange butterfly.
"I saw you made that patio on the side door."
He grinned. "You did?"
"Yes. And it looks amazing."
"I think it looks good too. Some little butterfly told me to make it."
"Aren't you so glad?"
"Yes, I am." Salem wanted to say that it would be her house one day, anyway. He wanted to tell her that she could take it upon herself to decorate every single room. He didn't say any of that. It was too much too soon. They were just getting passed the meaningless fling stage, after all. He couldn’t go straight to telling her it was her house.
"What are you smiling about?" she asked.
"You. You telling me to build that deck."
"I can't believe you actually did it. How are you building this whole house and also keeping up with your normal job? How are you finding enough hours in the day?"
"I'm delegating when I need to."
"I'm delegating some stuff, too," she said, joking around. She was precious and wonderful and he wanted to never let her go. "I'm nervous," she said, still shaking.
"Why are you nervous?" he asked, staring at her.
"Because. I want you to think I'm cool."
He held onto her, feeling thankful and happy. They pulled back and looked at each other. Her face was soft and perfect, and he wanted to kiss her. Kissing was the tip of the iceberg with what he wanted to do with this woman. He wanted to have a family with her.
"You don't have to want me to think you're cool. I already do," he said. "I can't possibly think you're any cooler, Molly. You're the coolest."
"Do you see me like a little sister?" She stared up at him, blinking at him and waiting for his answer.
"No, I don't see you like that at all," he said with a straight face.
Chapter 14
His kiss.
His mouth on mine.
It was a thing of beauty.