Page 7 of Darkest Descent
My lips fell slack almost immediately, no hesitation when it came to her life. I heard her soft cries, and when I dared open my eyes, I looked in my peripheral and saw her hugging her knees, weeping openly at my assault. Watching every second of it.
Hunter pressed his denim clad dick into my mouth, my saliva soaking into the fabric as he pushed in and out. “Fuck yeah,” he huffed, holding my head steady and focusing as he reached his disgusting end. I wanted to vomit, to tear at his skin or bite down on him and make him scream in pain. But Alice. She was there, in his reach, and he’d already cut her once.
“I’ve got so much cum for you,” Hunter groaned, and finally his thrusting stuttered as he cried out and orgasmed in his pants, using my face as his personal toy. The denim dampened further and a salty taste settled on my prone tongue. I fucking gagged when I realized it was his semen, his cum, seeping into my mouth.
He laughed and slapped my cheek, sinking his whole ass onto my chest after watching me struggle to get away for a beat. He sighed, stretched his neck, paused for a moment and stared at the ceiling before looking back down at me. “Next time you’ll taste it. You both will. And I can’t wait.” He stroked my cheek, ran his hands through my hair. “But you know what I really can’t wait for?” He waited for one of us to answer, didn’t even move.
Alice yelled, “What!?” as the tension got too high.
“I can’t wait for you to taste each other,” Hunter growled. “To see your cum settled on her tongue.”
This man was depraved. Sick and twisted in a way I could never have imagined possible. He acted like he knew us, like his plan always included me and my sister. As he climbed off of me, letting my lungs inflate at last, tears poured down my cheeks.
Realization hit harder than his fist. We were never getting out of this whole.
My heart stayed locked in my throat as Hunter rose up from Asher’s chest and sauntered over to the knife, scooping it up with a real fucking skip in his step. All my organs plummeted out of my ass when I realized I’d never even tried to grab it. So stupid. Such an idiot. Death wish. Too consumed by the horror in front of me to think rationally. I could have saved him.
Neither Asher nor I moved as Hunter headed for the door, both too shocked to react. This was an insanity I could never have anticipated. It was like living in a daze, like my mind hadn’t truly caught up with what was happening.
Asher was… he looked distraught, ruined. His skin was blotchy, scratched up cheeks and chin, tender looking under his eyes, across his nose. Like he’d been dragged across a coarse carpet over and over.
Hunter looked like he’d been killing him as he assaulted my brother’s face. His expression was rageful, focused, terrifying. And there was nothing I could do to help. The anger built in me until it broke, and I sat, shattered, watching it happen.
Hunter turned to us at the door, his hand on the knob on the outside. “For good enough behavior, I’ll bring down dessert with dinner.”
Then he was gone, his departure leaving a vacuum of pressure. Asher and I were in silence again, alone and scared. We listened to each other breathe, Asher’s stuttered and wheezy as he eventually rolled onto his front and shuffled to the wall opposite me, coughing and retching, before leaning his back against the cool brick with an expression of blank horror on his face.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered when I couldn’t take the silence anymore. My brother looked at me and frowned, his eyes glassy, but then he sucked in a deep breath and shook his head, like he was shaking away the anguish.
“We just need to wait.” His voice came out hoarse. “We need to wait, sleep. Rest. He’ll be back. We can get him when he comes back.”
Images of me and my brother, roped to the wall, frail and hungry, attacking the giant man who had kidnapped us with such ease, ran through my head. It was laughable, but the humor of it only pained me. It seemed so fucking hopeless. I knew nothing of where we were, what the rest of the building was like, if Hunter was on his own. I assumed he had cameras, but I couldn’t see them. He had intentions impossible to fathom, and it terrified me. Making us kiss. The way he used Asher and the threats he made had me sick to my stomach.
“I—” I tried to speak, to say anything I could think of to soothe my brother. Failed. The room closed in around me, the dank walls looming, squeezing inward. I ran my hand over my face, pressing my fingers into my eyes like it might shift everything - when I opened them again, everything would be different.
“We just need to wait,” Ash repeated, and I opened my eyes, finding him there, in the hell hole we’d awoken in. Our gazes locked for a moment, then he turned, leaving me to my horrifying thoughts. I watched his back rise and fall until my eyes wouldn’t stay open anymore.
Something dripped in the room. It was too dim now to see what it was, but the drip, drip, drip had followed us into the dark as the single bulb illuminating the room switched off an hour ago. I thought it might be in the walls or right outside, but sound echoed in a funny way when your mind is breaking. Maybe nothing was dripping, and I just filled in the blanks of silence. It was hard to comprehend the absolute nothingness. No whir of the TV, no cars zipping by, no birds chirping. Even Asher’s breathing was quiet, slow.
I couldn’t bring myself to move, so stayed pressed against the wall, my knees tucked up under my chin and my thoughts a churning fire as I listened to that dripping. The cut on my neck didn’t even register beyond a tiny irritation. The rest of me was as traumatized too. It just didn’t matter down here. We needed to get out, then we could heal our bodies and minds.
I felt terrified of what else Hunter had planned for us. The things he hinted at, suggested, thrust his erection into my ass as he dreamed up fantasies... it all hurt. To think about, to imagine. What was his goal? His intention? He’d taken us for a reason, orchestrated it, perhaps watched us for days or weeks. That prickle at my back whenever I was alone outside, or in my bedroom with the curtains open… maybe that was him. All this time.
He was going to scar us beyond all comprehension, perhaps already had.
Asher lay across the room, breathing ragged, wide awake, but silent. He snored a little when he was asleep, so I knew he was like me. Awake, deep in thought. Waiting.
The kiss forced upon us compared little to what Hunter had done to him next.
“Ash?” I called, voice hoarse. He didn’t reply. A tear leaked from my eye and I fought off a sniff. I chose not to cry. Hunter was probably watching, and he wasn’t getting the satisfaction of seeing my emotions. Sick fucker. He’d looked up at the ceiling a few times, like he was performing for a camera up there.
But I failed at subtlety, because when a whimper fell loose, I heard Asher move.
He shuffled across the room, his body dragging. “Come halfway. I can’t reach you.” He sounded hurt, desperate, his sudden shift painful. On instinct, I clambered to him, scrambling through the dank space towards his soothing voice. I needed his comfort.