Page 46 of The Player's Club
“Christ, I’m sorry about that,” he said, dragging his fingers through his hair. “I never thought they’d show up. This is the first time they have in five damn years.”
“Lucky me, I guess...” I wrapped my arm around his bicep and nuzzled. A long moment later, he put an arm around my shoulders.
“Yeah. Not the greatest timing for them to finally decide to come.”
“Why did you keep putting tickets aside if they haven’t shown up in so many years?” I asked.
Mac let out a sad laugh. “I don’t know. Stubbornness? Not wanting to be the first one to give in and say our relationship is officially over? Or maybe not wanting to admit that my parents hate me?”
“Your mom doesn’t hate you.” That I knew for certain. But his father?
“No, but she’ll never really stand up to my dad either.” Mac looked down at me. “But I’m tired of thinking about them.”
“I mean, it is your birthday. How about we take this back to the hotel?” I smiled seductively. “You can do whatever you want to me. Maybe that’ll make up for tonight.”
Mac’s eyes darkened, but this time, it wasn’t from anger. It was from desire. “Anything? You’re playing with fire, baby.”
“I’m okay with getting burned then, birthday boy.”
He groaned and hauled me from my seat onto his lap. I giggled, loving how much he wanted me. Me, Elodie Andrews. It still felt like a dream that a man as sexy as Cole Mackenzie desired me when he could have practically any woman he wanted.
“We’ll go slow tonight,” Mac said. But I got the feeling he was saying it more to himself than to me.
I nodded, a little relieved. Although I trusted him, I wasn’t sure I was ready to get whipped and bound as he pounded my ass, even if I was certain that would be in my not-so-distant future.
Then again, if it’s Mac, I know I’ll have a great time.
The hotel was only ten minutes away. By the time we pulled up, I was antsy to get inside and get started. The door to our room was barely closed when Mac’s tone changed. “Take off your clothes,” he growled.
Every hair on my body lifted. God, he’s so sexy when he takes control.
I nodded and stripped out of my clothes. Mac’s gaze stayed on me even as he went to his suitcase. The way my body reacted to him so instantly, so naturally was seriously mind-blowing.
He pulled out two ties and pointed at the bed. “Get up on the bed.”
I nodded again, my gaze on the floor. Apparently, we’d entered the Dom-sub era of this relationship. I’d never considered myself a meek person, but something about Mac’s commanding presence made me want to give him full control.
I crawled onto the bed. Mac joined me, still fully clothed, and began binding my wrists behind my back and my ankles together.
He grinned, leaning back to examine his handiwork. “Aren’t you a gorgeous sight?”
I squirmed. I couldn’t really move, which meant that I was completely in Mac’s control. The bindings were tight but not painful. Based on the intricate knots that Mac tied them with, they probably wouldn’t be too easy to get out of. But that wasn’t exactly a problem, considering there was nowhere else I would rather be right then.
Mac flipped me over so I was on my stomach. He placed a pillow under my chest and near my head. Then he started kissing and licking from my neck down my spine, my skin on fire with every touch of his lips.
His hands massaged the globes of my ass. It felt so good, so relaxing. At least until the first smack came. Then the second, and the third. The burn of his hand stung but was also exhilarating. I squealed. Each loud sound of his hand connecting with my ass made me grow more and more excited.
“Such a naughty girl,” he crooned, the spanking intensifying. “Making me want you every second of every day. Who do you think you are, showing up here?”
“You asked me to come,” I protested.
That earned me the hardest smack on the ass yet. “I didn’t say you could speak, did I?”
I shook my head. Mac parted my ass cheeks and leaned down, licking through the crease. Oh God. I wished I could touch him, but I was entirely at his mercy.
“What I wouldn’t give to fuck this ass.” He groaned, slipping a finger between my cheeks and circling my hole with his finger. “I bet it’d be like a vise around my cock.”
Chills ran through me. I’d never done anal. Todd had brought up the subject once, but it’d never interested me. At that moment, though, I would’ve said yes. I would’ve said yes to anything.