Page 21 of Forbidden
A car pulled into the driveway and Shane peeked out the window. He held up my book with a crooked smile.
“If you need it, you know where to find me,” he said.
With the book in his hands, he went up to his bedroom. I wanted my book back, and I wanted more of whatever just happened. I was about to go after him when my dad entered the house.
“You and Shane will have to fend for yourselves tonight, Rosalie,” Dad said. “Joanna has a late meeting and I have to get back to school for parent-teacher conferences.” He dug into his wallet, pulled out some cash, and placed it by the phone. “That should be enough for dinner.”
“Thanks, Dad. Do you want me to order something for you?”
“No, don’t worry about me. Sorry about telling you at the last minute.”
Shortly after my dad vanished into his bedroom, I heard the water for the shower start. I went upstairs and was going to get my book back from Shane but saw his bedroom door was closed. Knowing how sensitive I was about my own privacy, I knocked on the door.
After waiting a minute, I gave up. Shane obviously didn’t want to be bothered again. I walked back to my room, opened the door, and found Shane sitting on my bed reading. It brought back everything from my stepfather. I wanted him gone.
“What are you doing in here?” I said angrily. “I didn’t say you could enter my room. Get out!”
“Get out? Am I not allowed in the princess’s room?”
“Just go. Get out! How dare you just come into my room without asking?”
“You got a problem with my being in here? Don’t tell me you never dreamed about having me in your bedroom.” He stood from the bed, the book still in his hand, and glared at me. “I know you want it, and it has nothing to do with your fucking porn. I’ve seen how you look at me. I bet you’re wet right now thinking about it.”
For a moment I was too stunned to do anything, but my anger took over and I went after him.
“Don’t talk to me that way,” I said.
“What? Did I get your panties in a bunch? Or does it bother you that even now despite how angry you are at me, your nipples are saluting me?”
I folded my arms over my chest. Stupid body. I couldn't help how my body reacted towards him. It betrayed me every time he was near.
“Get out now! And leave my book,” I said.
“I don’t want your ridiculous book.”
He threw the book onto the bed and stormed past me into the hall. I slammed the door shut as he left, thankful that my tears didn’t start until after he was gone.
I didn’t know how much time had passed, but the sun had started to set when I heard the doorbell ring. I peeked out my bedroom window and saw the Palermo’s delivery van parked in front of the house. Just seeing the car made me realize how hungry I was. Palermo’s was my favorite restaurant, and I wondered if Shane knew and was enough of an asshole to not order anything for me.
I left my bedroom, closing the door behind me like I always did. Shane was seated at the dining room table eating pizza.
“Can I have some of your pizza?” I asked.
“No, get your own food.”
“You could’ve told me you were ordering dinner.”
He didn’t answer. He kept his eyes on me, that same look from school where I felt like he was seeing me naked as he shoved a slice into his mouth and took a big bite.
I folded my arms over my breasts, trying to hide myself from his x-ray vision, and entered the kitchen. On the counter was a white bag with Palermo’s written across it. A receipt was stapled to the bag, and ‘Rosalie’ was written on it.
As I opened the bag, the smell of garlic knots rose up and my mouth watered. Also in the bag was Fettuccine Alfredo with ground sausage, my favorite dish. I grabbed two plates and brought the bag to the dining room.
“Thank you for ordering for me,” I said. “Do you want some?”
“Nah, I like their pizza.”
We sat in silence while we ate. I caught Shane looking at me every so often, but instead of speaking, he ate more pizza. For once, I didn’t want to talk. I didn’t want to mess up this moment.