Page 10 of Sinned
“I doubt it. It’s Saint Christopher.”
“No way! The patron saint of travelers?”
She reached for the necklace around her neck and pulled it out. I moved closer to look. Between her fingers she held a small silver Saint Christopher medallion.
“I thought you weren’t religious,” I said.
“I’m not, but I am superstitious. I’ve had this since I was a baby. We moved around a lot and my grandmother told me that as long as I had that around my neck, Saint Christopher would make sure I was alright. I still travel a lot so I make sure he stays with me.”
She looked at the image and rubbed her finger over it delicately before slipping it back down her shirt.
“So do I have to call you Father McArthur even when you’re off duty? Or does that go away with the robes, I mean vestments too?”
“You can call me Father Charles,” he said. “Or even just Charles when I’m off duty.”
“Oh okay then, Charlie,” she said.
“It’s Charles,” I growled.
“Hmm, interesting.” She smiled slyly. “Need any help with these boxes, Chuck?”
“It’s Charles.”
“That’s what I said.”
I knew she was just teasing, but the nicknames had always been a sore point with me. I gritted my teeth and pushed it away.
“I’m not sure you’ll be much help. There’s a lot of heavy boxes here.”
“Oh? So since I’m a woman, you don't think I can help you with heavy stuff?”
“No, since you couldn’t push me out of your room last night, I figure you don’t have the muscle for these.”
She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. I could tell she was thinking of something else she could call me and it only made me like her more.
“Alright then, Father Chaz,” she said, looking pleased with herself. “I can at least help you unbox things while you wield your priestly strength on those boxes.”
“Oh you’re really trying to get under my skin, aren’t you?”
“Is it working?” She tilted her head to the side and gave me an innocent look. “How about this, you lay off on calling me weak and I’ll help you with unpacking.”
“It’s a deal,” I said and put my hand out to shake hers.
She took my hand and I remembered last night when I held hers to my chest. The softness of her skin was overwhelming and the sweet scent of her hair made me a little dizzy. I let go of her hand and stared into her eyes for a moment.
“I think I’ve inhaled too much of the fumes here,” I said. “I’m going to get some fresh air before we unpack.”
She nodded and pulled her necklace out and began playing with it nervously as she walked further into the church. Behind me I heard her opening the windows as I tried to straighten out the weird feelings I was having for her.
It had been a long time since I lusted for anyone. I thought I had left those days behind me when I took my vows, but I guessed I was wrong.
I took a deep breath and pushed away the thoughts of temptation. I was going to be there a few months and would need a friend. In such a small town, I couldn’t afford to push away someone who I had so much in common with already.
As I went back into the church, I spotted her by the altar unpacking the boxes I had carried earlier. I knew I could be friends with her, good friends. I had faith I could withstand any temptation that came my way. But I had no idea what I was in for.