Page 4 of Sinned
“I’m a priest.”
“But you’re still a man.”
“No, I am not.”
She rolled her eyes then sighed in frustration before turning towards the door. Before she left I heard her mutter something, but the only word I could make out was ‘gay’.
For a moment I thought of stopping her and explaining that it had nothing to do with my sexuality. It had everything to do with my faith and calling to work for God, but I knew there was no point. She was looking for something to salvage her ego.
Sighing, I realized Erica was my last confession until I left for Peru in a few days. It wasn’t what I wanted my last memory of St. Peter’s Parish to be. As I walked the short distance to the rectory next door, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
“Hello, Father McArthur.”
The voice behind me was familiar, but I couldn’t place it. I turned around and recognized Nadine Ricci. With her stick straight blonde hair and wide brown eyes, she didn’t look any different from when she was growing up next door to me. Nadine was one of a group of women who took enjoyment in flirting with Father Liam and I, despite never getting anything in return from us.
“Good evening, Nadine,” I said. “We grew up together, it’s alright if you use my first name. How have you been?”
“I’m good. I’m just waiting for my friend Erica. She said to meet her here. I’m sure you know her. Erica Miller?” She grinned like a cat who ate a bird, but when I didn’t respond she continued. “I loved your sermon a couple of weeks ago on temptation. You should visit us at St. Peter’s more often.”
“Thank you. That was a very crowded mass. I hope it did some good.”
“I never miss your masses here and I’m not alone in that. You are quite the draw, you know. I’m sure you know all the women call you the hot priest.” She raised her eyebrows and tilted her head slyly as she batted her eyelashes. “We’re lucky to have so many handsome men around here. I wish Father Walsh would bring you into our church permanently.”
“That’s up to the Dioceses, but I’m happy at Sacred Heart.”
I ignored her ‘hot priest’ comment and continued to the rectory next door. Thankfully Nadine got the hint and didn’t follow me. Of course I knew what the women called me. It was hard to not be aware of it when they were regularly flirting with me.
I had nothing to do with any of the women. And I knew their only interest in me was the unattainable and forbidden. Not that it mattered, but I wasn’t interested in any of them anyway. I gave up that life long ago for a better one. Now I was a priest and that was all that mattered.
Once I was in the old Greek Revival house that was the rectory, I followed the center hall to the rooms in the back where I knew I’d find Liam.
Liam was listening to music as he worked on his next sermon. He ran his fingers through his light blond hair. I knocked on the open door to let him know I was there and he spun around in his chair.
“Confession over?” he asked.
“Erica Miller came in.”
“I gave her the number to an addictions specialist.”
He laughed. “It never ceases to amaze me what people will say to a priest. I’m not talking about confession of course.”
“No, I know what you mean. It’s as if they think we’re some non human, spiritual being so they try to see how far they can go. They think we were born this way.”
“That’s it exactly.”
“What are you doing tonight?” I asked. “It’s Sunday and you know my mother would be more than happy to have you over for dinner.”
“On your last Sunday meal before Peru? I couldn’t do that to her. I know she’s going to want you all for herself.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, but thank you,” he said. “Are you sure you’re alright with this trip? You know you could have stayed here while the work on Sacred Heart was being done.”
“I know, but this will be good. I’ll be starting something new over there and how many people get to visit another country to start a church? Besides, I’ve never left the country before. It’ll be nice to get away for a while and spring is a good time to visit Peru, not as humid.”
“You know if anything happens you don’t have to stay down there.”