Page 69 of Thorned Vengeance
I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from screaming. He stops his assault on my breast, scoots up my body, and smashes his mouth against mine. Before I can tear a piece of his lips off his face, he shifts to my neck, painfully biting and sucking.
Shawn’s moans fill the room, and I close my eyes, waiting for my opening. I straighten my fingers and press my wrists closer together. A faint rumbling distracts him momentarily, and he lifts his head, straining to listen. The rumbling is getting closer along with the sound of loose gravel being kicked up.
Shawn hauls himself off me, and heads toward the bedroom door. “It’s showtime.”
I quietly scooch to the edge of the bed and kick off my shoes. It seems like minutes pass by, but in reality, it’s only seconds before I wiggle my ankles free from their bindings. I raise my knee and swing my arms down in one violent swoop, breaking the zip ties around my wrists. Shawn spins around to face me, and I stand up, ready to fight.
“You’re right.”
“I’ll call Soul.”
I nod at Mark before racing to the front porch of Tamara’s old house. Knots form in my stomach as the familiarity of the place mixes with my fear of what I’m going to find when I get inside.
“I’ll go around back,” Abyss says.
“Fine, but I’m not waiting to go in.”
“Wouldn’t ask you to.”
When I reach the front door, I find it unlocked. I twist the knob and shove it open. My nose fills with the scent of musty air, but that’s not what gains my focus.
The sound of a struggle comes from upstairs, and with each thud, my need for vengeance increases exponentially. I race up the steps, and the noise intensifies.
“You fucking bitch!”
Following the shout, I reach Tamara’s old bedroom. Without hesitation, I lift my leg and kick the door in. Delaney blocks a blow from Shawn and bends to sweep her leg to take him to his ass.
I whistle, pride swelling at her ability to take a monster down.
Delaney twists to look at me, and that’s when I notice her torn shirt, the teeth marks on his flesh, and bruises covering her face.
“You’re late,” she says calmly. “I had to start without you.”
Using her distraction, Shawn rolls to his stomach and pushes to his knees. I lunge forward and stomp on his head, knocking him unconscious and pinning him to the floor.
“Don’t remember telling you to move,” I snarl before returning my attention back to Delaney. “Are you okay?”
I narrow my eyes. “Bullshit.”
“Do you really wanna do this now?” she counters, hands on her hips.
“No, but don’t think for a second that I’m gonna let you get by without having Abyss check you over.”
“Fine,” she quips. “Once we’re done with him.”
“Damn, brother.”
Delaney and I turn to see Abyss standing in the open doorway.
“Welcome to the party,” Delaney says matter-of-factly.
“Welcome, and goodbye,” I snap. “We’ve got this.”