Page 74 of Thorned Vengeance
I nod. “I agree. I cut back my graphic design clients so we can add more if you want to add more.”
“Fuck, De.” Knuckles rubs the back of his neck. “We never wanted you to quit doing what you’re passionate about. The club knows how much you love traveling and graphic design.”
I gesture to the women gathering their water bottles after the hard lesson. “They’re my passion. If I can give just one person the strength to fight back, then we did our job.” I lower my voice. “Besides, I did love what I was doing, but now my reason for needing to travel is dead and buried, so I’m fine right here.”
Knuckles winks.
“If you’re sure, I’ll add some more classes to the schedule.” He pauses. “Shit, I need to talk to Thorn first.”
“About what?”
Knuckles shifts to his other foot. “Well… he uh… might not want you working so much.”
I narrow my eyes, placing my hands on my hips. “You might want to rethink that statement before you need to eat through a straw.”
“I’d listen to her,” Carmella says, sauntering up beside me, glaring at him. “She’s part of the Badass Bitches Club, and after she’s done with you, we’ll all take a turn. As President of the Badass Bitches, I’m not afraid to stand up for one of my own.”
I spin around to see all the ol’ ladies closing in on Knuckles.
Knuckles holds his hands up in surrender. “I don’t want any trouble ladies. You know how your men get when you work too much.”
“That sounds like their problem, not ours,” Cece sasses.
“Grab your shit, girl,” Jez orders. “It’s time to go.”
“Shit, is it already one?” I glance at the clock on the wall.
“Yep,” Apple says, popping the ‘p’. “Hurry up. Your appointment is at one-thirty.”
We all pile into the Escalade while Mark and Zach follow closely behind on their Harleys. Jez and the ladies surprised me last week with my introduction to the Badass Bitches Club. They showed me their tattoos, and I immediately fell in love.
Possum is waiting when we all file into Persuasion Ink. “Ready?” he asks.
I shrug. “Nervous. This is my first tattoo.”
Possum looks over at Skye and raises his brows. “You brought me another virgin?”
“I’m not a virgin,” I blurt.
My face heats up while everyone chuckles at my expense.
Kill me now!
Skye smacks Possum on the back of the head. “Moron,” she chastises. “He means you’re a tattoo virgin.”
Possum rubs the back of his head. “Sorry, De. I thought everyone knew what that meant in a tattoo shop.”
“Obviously not,” Violet mumbles.
“Follow me.” He leads me back to his chair. “Where do you want it?”
I thought long and hard about where I would put my phoenix. There’s only one place that makes sense. I tug my shirt over my head and toss it to Apple, who catches it with ease. The ladies start hollering and screaming ‘Take it off, baby’ while Possum covers his face and groans.
“I swear you all are trying to get me killed,” he mumbles. “What color?”
“Yellow, for Daphne. It was her favorite color.” I point to a place over my heart. “Can you put it here?”