Page 112 of Ruining Vanessa
Quickly, I thrust into her, enjoying the way her walls clench around me as pleasure sweeps through both of us. It’s like she’s fisting my cock this way, squeezing tightly but with even more pleasure offered than just a hand ever could. Soft, and warm, and wet… I moan, enjoying the feeling of her body around my cock.
It hits me then that she’s already pregnant. I have her like this, hot and horny and begging for my cock, and there’s already a life growing inside her. My DNA or Giulio’s or Damien’s, it doesn’t matter. The thought is so overwhelming that I come way too fast.
I cling to her through my orgasm, kissing her neck and cheek, anywhere I can reach.
She moans, and while she doesn’t come again, she’s still tight around me. It’s enough.
For now.
I hold her to me after I finish, not ready to let her go. I feel irrationally needy, clingy, and I’m glad I have her until morning.
After my cock slips out of her—too soon, I just want to stay close to her—Vanessa awkwardly turns around. Her face is so beautiful like this, too, flushed, a bit of sweat on her brow, breathing hard. I kiss her, groaning when she wraps her arms around me to kiss me back.
I don’t know what I’m doing, just that the sex alone wasn’t enough to satisfy me.
She smiles a little shyly after I break the kiss.
“What?” I ask, happy to see the expression even if I’m a bit confused.
“No. I just remembered…” Vanessa averts her gaze. “Can you show me your trains? I saw some of the build last time I was here.” She points toward the wall shelf in the kitchen, where a German train model is sitting in a display case. “You really like them, huh?”
I don’t know why that makes me feel even more vulnerable. But I nod, and after another kiss, I pull back. “Yeah. Whatever Giulio told you about them, I bet he got it wrong. My trains are better than his pets.”
She giggles and nods. “Yeah. I think I agree.”
I love the sound of her laugh, and before I know what I’m doing, I’ve pulled her into another kiss.
I’ll need her again.
And again.
Until something finally settles inside of me… assuming it even can.
My phone has a string of messages from Giulio on it.
Why the fuck is this still an issue?
Torture somebody to figure this shit out if you have to!
I was hoping to avoid that, but it’s true that it’s been over two months since the accounting issue at Ntimacy was brought to our attention, and it’s still no closer to resolved.
Vanessa peers over my shoulder to look at my phone.
“Oh. I thought he was going to ask you for pictures,” she says, completely tense.
We’re sitting in the waiting room of the obstetrician’s office. Everything is a bland beige, with posters on the wall about pregnancy health and prenatal care. Photos of smiling babies too, to remind everybody why they’re here.
There’s one other woman in the waiting room, heavily pregnant, and she’s busy on her own phone.
It feels like a risk, to have Vanessa out here, in public, but she’s been really good the past week. And she has the GPS inside her, so even if she ran, where would she go that we wouldn’t find her?
“He did,” I say, scrolling the texts up. “But I don’t think he meant it.”
“Well, he can wait for pictures,” she says. She stares down at the phone. “I’ve been trying to figure out what’s going on, but I’m getting information third-hand. I don’t have receipts to match up, I don’t have the girls’ totals to match up… I know something’s wrong because the debits aren’t balancing with the credits, but that’s all I’ve got right now.”