Page 3 of Ruining Vanessa
I shake my head, trying to shrink away and get Giulio’s finger out of me.
“Oh, this I gotta see.” Giulio pats my ass. “Are you excited for that, girl? Want something thick and hard inside your gaping hole? I can tell she’s in heat right now, desperate for some puppies.”
I’m not. I don’t even want to think about what my body might already be forming inside me. I still haven’t had my period, and every passing day only makes my terror worse.
“You want to give it a small treat first?” Slayer suggests. “It loves slurping on cock.”
“If it’s a small treat, shouldn’t you give her your cock?” Giulio answers with a chuckle.
If Slayer wasn’t such a dick, I’d feel sorry for all the ribbing about his cock size.
Slayer glares at Giulio. “Har har. Very funny, Jules. I can’t help that some of us are average. It’s the only thing about me that is.” But he’s obviously not too pissed if he’s still using Giulio’s nickname. It’s always surprising to me, how they tease Slayer about the size of his cock, yet he doesn’t jump to aggression or get defensive. Of course, they might call it small, but it’s still big enough to be uncomfortable.
Giulio snorts and reaches over to unbuckle Slayer’s belt. “Okay, girl, give Slayer’s perfectly average cock a nice, good lick. I want to see how much you enjoy treats.”
I hate this. I hate that I’m rolling back onto my knees, I hate that I’m putting my mittened hands onto Slayer’s thighs. I hate that I lean forward as soon as Giulio has Slayer’s cock out of his pants, and I hate that I know exactly where to lick to get Slayer hard.
But they’ve made it clear what will happen if I don’t cooperate. It’s not just my own well-being on the line, and I can’t—I won’t—let anybody else suffer because of me. Not again.
They don’t even have to remind me of what’s at stake.
I lean in, and Slayer’s cock bumps against my cheek as I try to get it into my mouth. He laughs, but he doesn’t help me. With my hands in the mitts, I can’t really guide him easily past my lips, and I end up smearing pre-cum all over my face. By the time I get his cock in my mouth, my cheeks are burning.
I start to slowly suck on the head of his cock, leaning in a little more. The good thing about his size is that he isn’t difficult to take. I gag a little on him, but it isn’t like Damien’s massive dick.
I shudder at the thought of it, grateful that at least he isn’t here to remind me that tick tock, time is running out while my period takes longer and longer to start.
Slayer groans, running his hands through my hair behind the dog ear headband he’d put on me. “That’s a good pet,” he says, finally pushing me down a little on him. He doesn’t take long to get erect, even though he’s mostly just using my mouth and not getting me to suck on him.
I make embarrassing slurping sounds as I bob up and down on him, adding another layer to my humiliation.
Then I feel a tug on my hair.
“Okay, good enough. We wouldn’t want Slayer to spend already,” Giulio says, tugging hard enough that I’m forced to pull off Slayer. “Nice to see how eager you are, though. Really can’t get enough of cock.” He smiles darkly at me. “Woof a bit for us, girl, to show your appreciation.”
I look up at Giulio, feeling the tears starting to form in my eyes all over again. Slayer has made me bark like a dog, but it seems worse coming from Giulio. I don’t know why, but it’s harder to humiliate myself in front of him.
But I make a soft woofing sound, just enough to let them know I’m listening.
Slayer swats my shoulder. “Oh, you can do better than that,” he chides me. “A real bark. Show us what a little bitch you are, what a good little bitch you’ve become. Then maybe we’ll take you to the breeding bench and make sure you get exactly what that cunt of yours needs.”
I bark, and it almost sounds real—after how many times Slayer has made me practice, it’s unsurprising. It hurts something inside of me to debase myself like this, but I know I don’t have a choice.
Well. I do. But it’s an impossible choice, one I’ll never actually make. I’ll never sacrifice Stef’s well-being for my own comfort.
Giulio laughs and ruffles my hair. “Good girl. Sounds like you deserve a reward. Get your aching cunt filled up.” He grabs the leash as he gets up, tugging insistently. “Where’d you put the breeding bench? With all your trains?”
At first, I’m too miserable for Giulio’s words to register. Then I frown, just a little, as my attention goes to his words. Trains? What kind of trains?
I don’t have long to think about it, though.
Slayer laughs. “Like I’d really take her in there. She’d probably break something. You know how rambunctious bitches can be. Nah, it’s in my office.”
“I just figured you’d get even hornier, staring at the trains while you fuck her.”
“I’m not a perv like you. I know you probably have to stare at your pets while you fuck to get it up,” Slayer says with a smirk.