Page 47 of Ruining Vanessa
We finally come to a stop. Giulio parks the car, and once the music stops, we’re left in complete and total silence.
We’re definitely not in any city.
“Okay, you can take the blindfold off now,” Giulio says as he gets out of the car.
Now that he’s given me permission, I find that I don’t really want to. I’m terrified to see where he’s brought me. But I reluctantly obey, pulling off the blindfold and blinking as my eyes adjust to the light. It streams through trees—trees that surround us from every direction.
My heart drops into my stomach.
We’re in the middle of nowhere. Did he bring me out here just to leave me here to die? Had I willingly walked outside and into his car to be taken to my death?
Giulio opens the car door, motioning for me to get out, but I stay in my seat.
“Are you going to kill me?” I blurt out, my voice shaking as I look around us.
Giulio quirks his eyebrow at me. “Isn’t that preferable to having our babies? That’s what your actions lead me to believe.”
I shudder, giving a quick shake of my head before I even realize I’ve thought about it. No, I’m not ready to die. I want to live, even if this life isn’t what I want. There’s always a chance to get out of it as long as I’m alive. “No,” I whisper. “I don’t want to die.”
“Oh, that’s good. Because you’re going to be running for your life. I’d hate to have you just sit there and give up. That’d be pretty boring.” Giulio reaches in to grab my arm and forcibly pulls me out.
I gasp as I stumble into his arms, trying to catch my footing. I wince when my foot lands on a twig on the dirt road. His words barely register in my mind, though. “Run for my… life?” I croak out. “Why… What’s the point? You’ll just catch me. You have a GPS tracker in me!” I have no desire to run barefoot through the trees, knowing Giulio is behind me. He may not be outdoorsy, but he’s at least dressed for the reasonably cool woods in his jeans, hiking jacket, and even a pair of boots. Me, on the other hand? I’m wearing a long shirt and panties and nothing else. There’s no chance I could outrun him.
“Oh, man, you’re right! I forgot about that.” Giulio reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, but when he taps over to something labeled GPS, it gives him a no signal sign. “Guess you’re lucky. Fucking woods and their shitty reception. So, no reason for you not to start running away from me.”
I look at him in dismay. “I’ll get five feet from here and pierce my foot on something sharp. I’m going to die of hypothermia. That’s… That’s not a fun game.”
Giulio bursts out laughing and pats my head. “You’re an expert on fun now? But, y’know, fair. Wait one second.”
He walks over to the trunk of the SUV and pulls out a small duffel bag. He tosses it toward me, and it lands by my feet.
“Go ahead, open it.”
I eye it warily, but I lean down to slowly unzip it. To my surprise, I find… clothes. Not just regular clothes, but a long-sleeved shirt, a pair of jeans, socks, hiking boots, a hoodie, gloves, and even a bra.
I stare at them, uncomprehending, for a few seconds.
“Or you can start running nearly naked,” Giulio suggests, smirking. “It’d be a shorter game, but maybe more fun.”
I give a quick shake of my head, fumbling with the clothes. I put the jeans on first, almost sighing in relief at the feeling of being covered from the chill in the air, then hesitate. I’m going to have to take off my shirt in the middle of nowhere, but then, it’s not like there’s anyone else around, and I’ve grown somewhat desensitized to my own nudity.
Still, I hurry as I unbutton the shirt, pull the bra on, and yank the long-sleeved shirt on. It all fits perfectly, which is something of a surprise. Even I have problems finding clothes that fit me right because of my tall, lean frame.
The hoodie is next, then the socks, then the brand-new boots. I look at the soft leather gloves, unsure if I need them, but decide to pull them on anyway.
I feel almost human for the first time since they took me.
“So, the rules. You get a ten-minute head start. I win if I catch you. You win if you manage to escape for… oh, let’s say until dark. Or if you somehow manage to find another human being kind enough to listen to your tale of woe.” Giulio laughs, like that’s another hilarious joke. “I think the highway is north of here. Or maybe it was west? I’m not much of an outdoorsman, so you might even stand a chance against me.”
I stare at him. There’s something he’s not saying. There’s no way he’s really giving me a shot at an escape. This is just another of his games. But I can’t help it. I ask, “What happens if I win?”
“Well, you’d be all alone in the woods, but at least nobody’s trying to knock you up.” Giulio raises his hands in a gesture of mock innocence. “Because I was thinking about it, and you’re really way too much fucking trouble. So I figured, I’d make it a game on whether I keep you around or not.”
I don’t know what to say to that. “So if I outlast you, I get to be lost in the woods and probably die of starvation or thirst? I think I’d rather be at Ntimacy,” I say, shaking my head.
“Fine, fine.” Giulio reaches into the trunk of the SUV again and pulls a backpack out, handing it to me. “Here, some water and some food. We really aren’t that far from civilization. If you evade me, you’d have a good chance of stumbling across somebody.”
I take the bag, but I still have the nagging sensation that something’s off. This is just a trick. “No,” I say, setting the bag down at my feet. “I’m not doing this. It’s ridiculous, Giulio.”