Page 117 of Savage
I don’t think he meant for me to actually write an essay, but I won’t need to show him.
…I might want to show him, though. He’s been really good about helping me improve my work. I didn’t expect him to be such a patient teacher, and from what I’ve heard from Bethany and Chase and Drake, he isn’t patient with anyone but me.
It warms my heart to know that I’m special.
After Alicia’s death, I didn’t think it was possible to be happy again.
Even if I had stolen moments of bliss with the drugs Dylan was quick to provide, it wasn’t anything close to true joy. When Dylan had sold me to Giulio Pavone, to Ntimacy, I’d been certain I’d die without ever offering a true smile again.
Writing the essay takes me almost an hour of typing and erasing. I end up explaining everything about Alicia, and my drug addiction, and how I got a wake-up call.
They definitely don’t want to read this. I’m not going to send it, but it feels good to get it all out.
I leave the document open but unsaved, unsure of what to do with it now.
My thoughts scatter when I hear the front door open. I glance at the laptop’s clock, surprised at exactly how late it’s gotten.
I close the lid and run toward the entryway. I’m too late to be on my knees for Hunter when he opens the door, and I cringe a little internally at myself for having fallen down on that job.
“Welcome home, Master,” I say, kneeling for him anyway. I feel my cunt throb, the way it usually does these days when I’m on my knees in front of him.
He finishes taking off his shoes and gives me a small smile. “Hello, Stef.” He strokes my hair lightly. “How was your day?”
I rest my head against his thigh, enjoying his warmth and presence. “I got a lot done,” I say, feeling a little bashful now about writing that essay. I don’t know what he’ll think of it, especially since my writing skills aren’t the best. Spellcheck takes care of a lot of it, but Hunter says my grammar needs a little bit of work.
That’s all right.
Like he always says, the only failure is not trying at all.
“That’s good. You can show me in a bit.” Hunter pats my head one last time and starts heading toward the bedroom. I get up to follow him, so I can help him change out of his work clothes.
I know that should be another one of the many humiliations he piles on me—helping him dress and undress—but there’s something so intimate about it. It makes me feel trusted.
He stands still while I undo his tie and unbutton his shirt, murmuring, “good girl” as I get his clothes off him. When I’m on my knees to undo his belt buckle, I consider leaning in to tease him, but I know he would tell me if he wanted that.
It’s nice, not having to wonder what he wants.
Once he’s in his t-shirt and sweats, he goes to sit at the foot of the bed. It’s strange to see the bright blue sheets instead of white ones, but the change is a welcome one. After how Dylan had ruined it…
Hunter pats his thigh. “Rest your head here, Stef.”
This is probably one of my favorite positions, and it’s one I go to instinctively now. I don’t even like sitting on the furniture—unless I’m in his lap—because of how safe it makes me feel.
I obey without question, closing my eyes and inhaling the scent of him. Soon, I’ll ask him how his day went and tell him how mine went, but this time is for us to simply be together.
Hunter strokes my head gently, his fingers sending shivers down my spine. I love how well he knows my body, and how he can make me feel pleasure with just these simple touches.
His hand stills on the back of my neck. “I have a present for you. Two presents, really. One I hope you’ll love, and one I know you’ll hate—but it will be good for you. Which would you like first?”
I focus on the fact that he’s going to give me something I love, not something that I’ll hate. Besides, if it’s a present, how much can I really dislike it? Everything he gives me makes sense sooner or later, and I would never reject anything.
“The one I won’t love as much,” I say after a pause.
Hunter reaches for his phone and taps on it for a few seconds before holding it out for me to see.
I read the screen, uncomprehending at first.
Your flight to Honolulu has been booked. Please see ticket details below.