Page 34 of Savage
“Couldn’t you just read a book?” Hunter pulls me a little closer and cups my breast. He pinches my nipple, but not particularly hard. More like he’s trying to… distract me?
“I could, but a book would just tell me the path. In the game, I have to try to figure it out myself,” I tell him. “Think of it like a puzzle, or a mental exercise.”
“Hmm.” Hunter rearranges my legs so one of them is over his thigh, forcing me to spread wide. He tugs on the belt a little and shifts the dildo inside me. I do my best to sit still while I direct the detective to talk to different characters, biting my lip to stifle my moans.
“Who do you think did it?” I ask a little breathlessly. It’s been a while since I played the game, so I don’t actually remember, and it’s hard to concentrate while he’s playing with my body like I’m just a doll for him to manipulate.
“The wife,” Hunter answers. “It’s a noir story. It’s always the wife or the lover.”
“We haven’t talked to them yet,” I point out, trying to focus on the game even though it’s increasingly difficult. I’m going slower, and I’m paying less attention to the dialogue. I don’t really know what the witnesses have said, which is going to make the gameplay more difficult later. But when he shifts to tweak one of my nipples again, I let out a quiet whimper.
“Keep playing,” Hunter orders while massaging my breast. “Actually, come sit on my lap, first.”
It takes me a second to parse his order. I’m already half on his lap, but I nod and scoot fully onto his lap. He has my legs spread over his thighs, and he wraps his arms around me. Now he can touch me all over… and he puts that access to good use.
“I… I can’t play like this,” I complain when he tugs on the belt again, causing the dildo to wiggle.
I can’t believe I’m getting turned on again. I’d just come. I haven’t been this wet in months—probably in years.
Hunter sucks on the nape of my neck. “Keep playing. I want to see if I’m right about the wife.”
My laugh turns into a moan when he nips the skin. “It’s going to take more than an hour or two to solve the case. Especially…” I don’t want to point out how distracted I am, because I don’t want him to stop.
I don’t know what to make of that thought.
He cups both of my breasts with his hands and taps softly on my nipples. “You’re not going to get anywhere making the detective walk into a wall.” Then he licks the shell of my ear, like that’s going to make it easier for me to concentrate.
“Oh,” I say, feeling a little stupid as I realize I have, in fact, been trying to make the detective walk straight through the wall. I force myself to try to focus on the game, but even as the dialogue starts, I can’t concentrate on it. It’s a good thing this is just the tutorial and not something that requires much attention.
Somehow, I make it through more of the game, even though I keep walking the wrong way and selecting the wrong items. I feel Hunter huff softly against my neck, in a way that seems amused.
That’s good, right? He’s having fun? Even if it’s at my expense.
“You need to present the bloody boots,” Hunter points out when I get stuck on an interrogation. I have no idea what he’s talking about, because he’s slipped two fingers under the harness and is massaging my clit.
“B-boots?” My grip on the controller loosens, and I groan as the pleasure builds inside me.
I whine when he pulls his fingers away and taps on the controller enough to have the cursor move down to the right evidence.
“There.” Hunter snorts and nips at my shoulder. “I thought you said you knew how to play.”
I let out another quiet sound, nearly dropping the controller. “I’ve never… played like this before.” Even Dylan had been too interested in the games—before we’d sold our console—to pay more attention to me than the screen.
“Clearly my way is…” Hunter suddenly trails off, and his grip on my waist tightens. “Wait. That’s wrong.”
I make a confused sound. “What’s wrong?”
“They’re arresting the wrong person,” Hunter says. “It’s definitely the wife. Why are they arresting the neighbor? Those boots weren’t the neighbor’s.”
It takes me a second to realize what he’s talking about. “Oh. This is the first case. It’s supposed to go wrong. You get the right person later.”
Hunter wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. “How long does that take?”
“Uh…” I try to remember how the game went. “Maybe the third or fourth case? That’s hours away.”
He grumbles and pinches my nipple. “Then we’ll play again tomorrow and make them do it right,” he says definitively.
I don’t know why, but his indignation over the case makes me laugh. He’s actually human and not just a weird, emotionless robot.