Page 36 of Savage
My phone dings with a new email when I’m on the elevator. It’s to my work address, and since it’s after hours I should just ignore it, but sometimes I can answer a patient email in five minutes.
I don’t recognize the sender, though, and the subject is simply “Question about procedure.”
It’s probably spam, but I open it anyway.
Dear Dr Savage
I heard u like skinny girls
who cry a lot
and suck dick like they were paid to do it
and can’t ever leave
Underneath that message is a photo of me entering Ntimacy via the back entrance.
I force myself to keep breathing evenly. This is a toothless threat. The sender doesn’t even specify something they want.
But somehow, they know about Stef and Ntimacy.
I screenshot the message, then delete it. I know I should probably see if any of my tech-minded friends can trace it, but then I would need to acknowledge that I’d bought Stef.
I know two people who wouldn’t care either way, but the humiliation of asking for help over something so minor has me balking at the idea.
If I ignore it, whoever it is will get bored.
The elevator finally arrives at my floor, and I put my phone away. It’s time to enjoy a nice, quiet evening with Stef. Maybe we’ll finish her game, too. There are only two cases left. She’s adorable with how into the game she gets.
She’s extra adorable when she’s flushed red with arousal while trying to direct her detective in the right direction.
Maybe tonight I’ll have her wear the nipple clamps while we game, and I’ll chain them to her wrists so every time she moves her hands, she’ll tug on her nipples. That sounds like a plan.
I change out of my work clothes, then head into her room.
“Stef,” I say by way of greeting, and I stop short. She’s already sitting up, eyeing me desperately.
“M-master,” she says, and she hesitates only briefly before getting out of the bed. She crawls over to me, kissing my feet. “Thank you for… Um…” She blinks, and she looks up at me like she can’t remember the rest of a very simple set of words.
“For taking you in,” I prompt, biting back the annoyance.
“Right,” she says, nodding slightly. She stares back down at my feet. “Thank you for taking me in. I…” She hesitates, then hedges, “I’ve… I’ve been good, right?”
I narrow my eyes at her but nod curtly. “Yes.”
“Do you think I could… maybe…” She doesn’t look up at me as she asks all in a rush, “have just one little teeny tiny hit just once?”
It takes a second for the question to register, but once it does, the rage overwhelms me. She’s asking for drugs? After I’d gone through so much trouble to get her clean?
I sneer at her, and she flinches. “Why would I let you poison yourself again? No. There are no opioids in my condo anyway, so it’s no use asking.”
“But you could get them,” Stef presses, looking at me with tear-filled eyes. “Please, Master, just once. Just once, that’s all I’m asking. It’s been…” She fights back a sob. “Just please.”
All my plans for a nice, quiet evening together are out of the question now. I grab her arm and force her to stand. She sobs and averts her gaze.
“I was going to let you play more of your game tonight,” I tell her coldly, “but you’ve ruined it. Come on.”
I pull on her arm and she stumbles, but I don’t care.