Page 110 of Vicious
“Fuck you,” I say instead. I sit up and push at his shoulders. “Just fuck off, Chase. I told you, I don’t want this.”
I want it so badly. I want to feel the pain wash away all the misery and grief.
Chase grabs my wrists with one hand and forces them above my head. “But I do.” He uses his other hand to pinch my breast through my dress, making me gasp. “Will you sit quietly while I remove your clothes? Or do I need to cut them off you?”
I consider how much I like this dress. I do like the bra and underwear, though, which is kind of a pity because the idea of him cutting them off of me…
Oh, well. He’ll buy me new ones.
“I’m not cooperating with you, asshole,” I say, a sense of joy flooding me when he pushes me down even harder. I kick out at him, not even holding back. If he lets me get a kick in, I’m going to land it.
Chase chuckles and uses his larger bulk to pin me down. “Cutting it is.” He keeps his hold on my wrists strong while I buck against his weight on me.
“Stop it! Let go!” I shout, for all the good that does.
Chase grabs the chains and manacles that are attached to the headboard. Those weren’t here the last time I’d been in this room.
He really did plan all of this, and it’s so fucked up that I feel warmth because he thought so far ahead.
Warmth for a second because this could all be leading up to him keeping me locked up here permanently. That thought makes me fight harder, and I almost get loose before he quickly secures the first manacle around my wrist. He fights me to get the second one in place, and I flail, trying to get in a good kick.
It doesn’t help, and I can feel the healing wound starting to warn me that I’m exerting myself too much. So, breathless and wary, I only put up a half-hearted fight as he chains down my ankles, too.
He retreats for a moment, going into the other room and coming back with my fabric scissors.
I stare at him. “You wouldn’t,” I say. “Not with those!”
“Why not? They’re meant for cutting fabric. I am about to cut fabric.” Chase sits down on the bed, trailing the scissors along the collar of the dress. “Hold still, Ah-May. I’m not ready to give you a permanent mark just yet.”
I shudder, my mouth dry as he brings the wickedly sharp scissors closer to my skin.
The first cut of fabric is impossibly loud, and I wonder if I should’ve just given in to preserve the nice dress. But then, when will I ever wear it again? It’ll only remind me of Baba and his funeral, and I don’t need that memory.
I need this one.
I go still as he cuts the dress straight down the front, exposing my bra and underwear to him. He snips the fabric of the bra between my breasts, and it comes apart to reveal bare skin. He’s quick to cut the underwear free, too, and soon I’m left nearly naked.
My breathing comes faster and faster, and I stare at him, drinking in the sight of him. I find myself wondering why I resisted so long, but I know my pride never would’ve allowed me to end up this way without a fight.
There always has to be a fight with Chase. If I give in… Something inside of me will be changed, warped, and I’m not ready for that yet.
Chase opens the scissors and lifts the elastic of my stockings. “These looked good on you. We’ll have to get you more.”
I shudder as he sets one edge of the scissors on my thigh and cuts the stocking, dragging the cool metal of the scissors along my skin. One wrong move, and I really will get a cut.
The stockings fall away, until only my feet are still covered.
Chase stops and stares down.
“What?” I gasp, resisting the urge to squirm. “Finish it.”
“I want to. The ankle cuffs are in the way.” Chase laughs and sets the scissors aside. “I really don’t want to accidentally cut off a toe.”
“I feel ridiculous,” I complain. At least I’m not wearing shoes, but even so. It’s like going naked but wearing socks to bed, which is not something I’ve ever done but has always seemed especially embarrassing. “When are you going to tell me what you’re up to?”
Chase pulls the stocking off the rest of the way. The sheer fabric rubs along my skin before finally coming free.