Page 24 of The Charmer
“Thanks for walking me back to the gallery but I’m fine, I’ll take it from here,” she blurted, eager to get rid of him, knowing that any second Sofia would turn her beady gaze their way and have them half way up the aisle before she could say, ‘in your dreams.’
“Don’t you want me to meet your friend?” A deep frown slashed his brow. “Are you that ashamed to be seen with me?”
If Cooper’s warm, friendly persona had scared her, the icy contempt she now heard in his voice terrified her more.
“It’s not that. I just want to finish the portrait ASAP and if Sofia lays eyes on you, believe me, she won’t leave in a hurry.”
He must’ve been satisfied with her answer because the cold gleam in his eyes softened. “I won’t stay. Besides, I’ve handled worse than Sofia in the business arena and come out unscathed. Trust me.”
Shaking her head, she fell into step beside him again. The guy was seriously delusional if he thought she’d trust him with anything. He was here to tear her world apart and all the sexy smiles, gooey eyes, and almost-kisses wouldn’t change that.
When they reached the gallery, Ariel took a deep breath and blew it out, hoping to get the introductions out of the way pronto so the woman could be on her way without interrogating her about Cooper.
“Sofia, what are you doing here?” Ariel injected warmth into her voice, knowing she would’ve been glad to see the lovely woman if Cooper’s large, looming presence wasn’t at her side.
Sofia stopped peering through the gallery windows and turned. Ariel knew the exact moment she spotted them, because the woman’s eyes bulged when they focussed on Cooper.
“Ciao, bella.” Sofia kissed both her cheeks before studying Cooper with blatant curiosity, hunger in her gaze. “And who is your friend? He looks awfully familiar.”
“Sofia, this is Cooper Vance. Cooper, my friend Sofia Montessori.”
“A pleasure, Ms. Montessori.” Cooper captured Sofia’s hand and bowed over it in an antiquated gesture from years gone by. What a charmer.
He must’ve known exactly how a woman like Sofia would react, because the older woman preened, simpered, and practically fell in a swooning heap at his feet.
“Ditto, Mr. Vance,” Sofia murmured, blushing like a teenager. “Have we met before? I’m positive I’ve seen you somewhere.”
Ariel rolled her eyes, resisting the urge to stick two fingers down her throat and make gagging noises.
“Your reputation in Melbourne society precedes you. Perhaps we’ve seen each other in passing at a function?”
Sofia’s eyes narrowed, her gaze speculative. “No, I don’t think so. It’s somewhere more recent…”
Ariel wished these two would leave so she could get on with the business of finishing the portrait, obtaining the money, and securing the gallery for another month or so. But she had to be polite to Sofia, because until she had the commission for the painting in the gallery’s bank account, she couldn’t afford to offend her.
“Would you like a cup of coffee, Sofia? Cooper was just leaving and I have lots of work to do so we can chat while I paint.”
Ariel didn’t want Sofia connecting Cooper to the portrait right now. If that happened…
“That’s it!” Sofia snapped her fingers and beamed. “You’re the model in my portrait.” Sofia’s hungry gaze travelled the length of Cooper’s body while Ariel’s heart sank.
Great, just freaking great.
“Bello,” Sofia murmured, obviously liking what she saw.
Not that Ariel could blame her. Sofia was a red-blooded woman and if she’d admired Ariel’s sketches of the man, they were nothing on the real, live model in the flesh. So to speak.
Cooper’s brash, unaffected smile made Ariel want to throttle him for being so blasé about the whole situation. “Yes, I’m sitting for Ariel. She’s a very talented artist. I think you’ll be very pleased with the final result.”
“And a nice boy, too,” Sofia said, sending Ariel a pointed look as if to say, ‘are you crazy to let this guy get away? Why aren’t you married by now and expecting his bambino?’
“Speaking of which, I better finish the portrait if you want it by Tuesday—”
“You must come too, Mr. Vance.” Sofia’s loud voice drowned out a passing tram as she waved her hands in excitement. “Ariel is coming to the little soiree I’m having for my sister’s birthday where the portrait will be unveiled and it is only natural that you should attend also.”
“No,” Ariel blurted before she could stop herself, blushing furiously when two sets of eyes turned on her, Sofia’s knowing brown eyes and Cooper’s dazzling blue. “I mean, I’m sure Cooper has better things to do with his time. Besides, he’d probably be mortified if people recognise him as the model. He’s a businessman and it wouldn’t look good.”
Ariel babbled, giving Cooper the evil eye, silently praying he’d back her up on this. She didn’t want him anywhere near that party. They’d spent enough time socialising, what with coffee on Friday night and brunch today. The longer she spent with him, the more befuddled she became, and she needed her wits about her to fob him off after listening to his stupid proposal.