Page 16 of Angel's Forever
I made a mental note of that one for when we got to spend some time together.
“Gaby, however, is very different. It depends on who she is with. She likes my dominant side and will allow breath, edge, impact, and role-play when we have a scene. However, with Nico, she craves his caring and nurturing side. So, I guess what we are asking is, what does she like with you.”
For once, I felt slightly embarrassed, having to admit to these men that she was the one helping me. That I was afraid I wasn’t man enough for her. I looked down at my glass, then felt a hand rest on my knee and looked up slightly to find Nico sitting there in front of me.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed. I think both Hudson and I realize that it’s been a while since you’ve been with anyone. I can remember my first time with Hudson. I was scared as hell and so was he. But we learned together.”
I knew he was right. I had to learn from all of our experiences.
“She’s fucking amazing. I was so overwhelmed by everything on our first night and it was her who took the reins and led me through it. She is so fucking sexy and gorgeous, I don’t really know what to tell you. I guess I bring out a dominant side in her that she never knew she had.”
Nico looked over at Hudson.
“Well, it would seem my Angel has a side neither of us knew about, babe. It makes sense, though. She is getting everything she needs from the three of us, so we need to work together to make sure we all get what each of us needs. I guess my only question now is what do you need, Gino? What do you crave?”
What did I want? I knew I needed time with Nico to establish what we wanted from our relationship. From the sounds of things, he would give me one thing I wanted: love and tenderness, someone to care for me. However, the dominant side of Gabriella surprised me. I enjoyed it and wanted more of it.
“Well, I guess if I’m honest with you and myself, then I have found a side of me that I never knew existed. Having someone tell me what to do in the bedroom was a real turn-on, and I want to explore that a lot more. But I also love being treasured and cared for, so I’m guessing both Nico and Gabriella can give that to me.”
Nico smirked and looked at Hudson, then back at me. “You know there is someone else who can be the dominant toward you as well, don’t you, Gino?”
I looked at Nico as he spoke and then realization hit me. I had never thought there would be anything between me and Hudson, but that was exactly what he was suggesting. I looked over at Hudson, who had a thoughtful expression on his face.
“Hmm, interesting. This relationship may just work.”
Chapter Nine
LIVING IN DETROIT AND New York was too dangerous for me now. I had just escaped New York in time before anyone found me. I had given up nearly everything to get her back, and the money she owed me. I had no idea how my business was going, or if it was even still trading. I really hoped I could trust the people I had left in charge, but the money I was spending would have a serious impact on their daily business.
I knew I shouldn’t have gone to Hudson’s apartment, but I knew he had Ella. He had to be the one who had taken her. She wouldn’t have dared to walk out on me without the help of someone else. I was certain it was him she had spent the weekend with. I had lied to Nico when I said I had been told. He was right when he said that no one would let that information out. Mikhail was very tight-lipped when it came to who was there.
I had guessed that it was Hudson after he conveniently appeared at my apartment not long after Ella had arrived home. Why else would he do that when we hadn’t spoken to each other for years? It wasn’t because of the business proposal he had for me, especially when it came to drugs. He’d never had any dealings with drugs, and as far as I knew, neither had Nico. But I was sure he knew how to get them. Then when I woke up after taking the drugs he gave me, she had gone. That only led me to one conclusion: it was him.
She needed to pay for what she had done to me. I had lost my line of credit for drugs without that money. I was using the money in the business account to keep me sane. I needed that daily hit to get me through the day. Luckily, I still had a couple of contacts in Mikhail and Viktor’s organization that were willing to help and supply the drugs I needed, but for how much longer, I didn’t know. One of them had found me a place just on the outskirts of Old Orchard Beach, Maine, about a four-hour drive from NYC. It was the typical cottage you could find in the area, but it was out of the way so no one would bother me.
I knew now that my suspicions were correct. Ella was living with Hudson and Nico in their apartment in New York. She even had the audacity to work as Hudson’s PA, a job she should have still been doing for me. I had everything confirmed by my contact. The mere fact that she thought she could withhold the money that was rightfully mine and think that she could leave me… She was sorely mistaken if she thought I would let her out of my clutches.
I had a plan in place to get her back to me, to make her pay for what I was going through. I just needed to wait for the ideal opportunity to make my move. I had her being watched, and even the phone line was tapped so I knew exactly what was going on and when. As soon as my contact heard about the perfect opportunity, we would strike. My contact would take out whoever was with her and I would snatch her and bring her back here.
No one would be able to trace me here. The only connection I had to the outside world was with a mobile phone, and the only person who had the number was my contact. I could do this and make them all pay for what they did to me.
All I knew was that no one would ever see the lovely Ella alive again. I was going to make sure of it.
Chapter Ten
I HAD WOKEN UP early and left Hudson asleep in bed. Nico and Gino had spent their first night alone together, so I wasn’t expecting them to be up either as I walked down the stairs to start breakfast for them all.
As I expected, the apartment was silent as I walked into the kitchen and started to get everything ready for breakfast. Nico usually insisted that he cook for us all in the morning, but today, I wanted him to rest and spend as much time as possible with Gino. It had taken them years to finally admit their feelings for each other, and they deserved that time together.
I quickly started a batch of bacon and mixed the pancakes to cook. I put a large jug of coffee on and started to cook. I was just about to start the eggs when I heard a voice in the doorway.
“Thought you’d get away with it, didn’t you?”
I looked around to find both Nico and Gino standing in the doorway, looking as devilishly handsome as ever. They walked over to me and placed their arms around me, sandwiching me between their hard bodies. They each pressed a kiss to my cheek, and I could already feel the pleasure building inside me at having their bodies so close to me. However, I knew that nothing could happen until this evening. There was so much that I had to get done today, as well as spending time with Hudson for his birthday. I wanted to make this one of the best birthdays he had ever had.