Page 29 of Angel's Forever
“Well, it looks as though we have our dates slightly confused, Gaby. Going by this, I would say you are around three months pregnant, which would make sense with the morning sickness.”
I watched as Victoria continued to take measurements and check the baby’s health. I couldn’t believe that I was three months pregnant! This was the furthest I had ever gone into a pregnancy, and I hadn’t even realized.
“Yep, definitely three months, so I would say we have a May baby on the way. Perfectly healthy heartbeat, and everything seems to be developing normally. Would you like some pictures?”
I eagerly nodded my head. I was now excited to get back home and to tell Nico and Hudson that they were going to be fathers. I knew none of my men would care who the father was, but they would make sure they were the next one if they weren’t.
Victoria printed out the pictures while I cleaned the gel off my stomach. In a few short moments, I was almost ready to go. Monica had popped out of the room to get a list of vitamins that she wanted me to take. When she returned, she also gave me my pregnancy book so we could keep a record of everything. I placed everything into my bag and eagerly waited for my pictures.
“There you go, Gaby. Congratulations. I look forward to seeing this one grow.”
“Thank you, Victoria, for everything.”
I said my goodbyes to Victoria and headed around to the front desk with Monica.
“Marie, would you make an appointment for Miss Quinn with me in a month? Can it be an evening appointment, please? Around six or seven.” Monica turned to me while Marie, the receptionist, was making the appointment for me. “I just want to keep an eye on everything, with what happened in the past. I’m sure everything will be okay, but better to be safe than sorry. Now, I’ll leave you with Marie, and don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything.”
She engulfed me in a hug, and we said our goodbyes.
I turned to Marie, who was smiling at me.
“Monica has taken a real shine to you, hasn’t she? I can tell. I have booked the appointment and sent an email over to you for your schedule. I’ve popped it onto a card as well.”
I took the card she was holding out and placed it in my bag.
“Thank you, Marie. I’ll see you in a month.”
I felt excited for the first time in ages. Things were finally starting to work out for me. I had three gorgeous men I shared my bed with, and one of them was the father of my child. I couldn’t wait to tell the world. I walked out of the clinic, expecting to see Gino either standing outside or by the car.
But I couldn’t see any sign of him anywhere. I looked over at the car and saw that the door was open, but he wasn’t there.
“Where could he have gone?” I said out loud to no one in particular.
I opened my bag and pulled out my phone as I walked along the front of the building toward the parking lot. As I started to call Gino’s number, I came to the end of the building and was suddenly grabbed from behind. The phone and my bag fell to the floor as a hand came over my mouth to cover it and stop me from screaming. I was dragged over to a parked car that was behind the building. I struggled as much as I could to try to get out of my captor’s grip, but they just held me tighter.
My heart was thumping in my chest and my anxiety was building. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. Today was supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life.
What was happening to me, and why was I being pulled over to a car by a complete stranger? Did they know who I was? Was this some kind of kidnapping to get a ransom from Hudson? Alternatively, was it something to do with a rival gang that wanted to get back at Nico?
I looked over toward Gino’s car, and that was when I saw him lying on the ground covered in blood. I started to hyperventilate.
He was dead. Someone had killed him. He wasn’t moving, and the amount of blood that was on him…
I could feel myself start to go dizzy as the amount of oxygen I was breathing in became too much for my body to take. We reached the car, and my captor opened the door, reached inside, and pulled something out.
I was desperately trying to calm myself enough so I could stay awake throughout this. I needed to know who I was dealing with so, if I escaped, I could give a good description to the police.
However, I wouldn’t need to see the person who took me once I heard him speak. I felt hot breath against the side of my face before he whispered in my ear.
“Did you really think you could escape me, Ella? All this time, I knew exactly where you were. I just needed to bide my time before I could have you again. This time, I’m not letting you go.” The sarcasm in Vincent’s voice was enough for the world to fall apart beneath me.
I said a silent prayer to God to get me through this and protect my unborn child. Then I allowed everything to go dark as I passed out in his grasp.
Chapter Sixteen
WE HAD BEEN BACK at the apartment for nearly an hour, and there was still no sign of Gino and Gabriella. Both of us were starting to get worried, as we couldn’t get a hold of either of them. Their cellphones kept going to voicemail. Hudson was just about to call the clinic to speak to Monica and find out if everything was okay when my phone started to ring. Looking down, I saw a number I didn’t recognize, but I decided to answer it anyway.