Page 33 of Angel's Forever
“How long before we arrive, master?”
He quickly looked in his rear-view mirror at me before he spoke. “About another four hours. You have been out of it for an hour. I don’t really want to stop if we can help it. However, if you really need to, then let me know.”
I wasn’t sure if I would make it for four hours, but I would give it a good go. The thought of trying to act like a loving couple in public made me feel sick.
“I will try to wait. I’ll just get comfortable and try to get some more rest.”
He didn’t say a word as I desperately tried to get as comfortable as I could with my hands and feet tied together. At least my hands were in front of me and I could speak to my little one in my head.
Don’t worry, precious one. Your daddies will come for us, and I’m sure Granddad Viktor will also come. They will save us, I’m sure of it.
The thing was, I wasn’t sure that they would. I knew they would try, but would they be able to find us?
I lay there for a while listening to the noise of the road as we travelled along. It wasn’t long before I drifted to sleep again.
I SUDDENLY WOKE AS the car came to a stop. I wasn’t sure if we had gotten to our destination or if Vincent had decided to make a stop on the way. I decided to stay exactly where I was, pretending to be asleep on the off chance that we had just made an unscheduled stop. I hoped that if Vincent left me in the car, I could create enough noise for someone to notice me and come to my rescue.
I heard the driver's door open and then close again. I lay there, my heart beating in my chest, waiting to see what would happen next. To my dismay, the door next to me opened and Vincent reached in and lifted me out of the car.
I stirred, pretending that I was just waking up, not wanting him to think he could do whatever he wanted to me while I was asleep. He had done it before, so I was sure that he would do it again given half the chance.
I spoke in a voice that I hoped sounded as if I had just woken up. “Where are we?”
I tried to look around me, but Vincent held me close to his chest. If it had been any of the other men in my life, I would have felt cherished and protected. However, right now, I felt far from that.
“We are at the house. You slept the whole way here.”
That meant there was no escape. I was his prisoner. I was sure he would keep me under lock and key here. He carried me up the path to the front door before gently placing me down on my feet.
I was starting to wonder who this guy was standing next to me. He was being far more careful with me than I had expected. It was as though telling him I was pregnant had made a switch flick in his head. I was positive it wouldn’t last, but for now, I would take it.
He opened the door and gestured for me to go inside. I had to admit the cottage looked very homely and was not furnished by him. If I was to guess, I would have said he had rented it pre-furnished because none of the furniture in here would have been to his taste.
I jumped slightly as the door behind me closed, startling me. I turned around quickly to see Vincent standing there with a smirk on his face. I knew his kindness wouldn’t last long.
“Welcome home, Angel.”
The sarcasm in his voice wasn’t lost on me. He wanted me to know in no uncertain terms that he was the one in charge and I should be afraid. Very afraid.
I tried desperately to hold my head high as he stared at me. However, the more he looked at me, the more I wanted to cast my eyes down and submit to him.
He didn’t say a word as he took a step toward me. I continued to look into his eyes until he took one more step so he was nearly within touching distance of me. I cast my eyes to the floor and saw his feet stop directly in front of me.
“That’s better. You should know never to directly look at me unless I tell you to. Now, I am going to break up our happy reunion for a while. I’m tired and would like some rest, but I don’t want you to try to escape, so I am going to have to request that you stay in your room. Follow me.”
He started to walk around me, and I turned to follow him. We walked up the stairs, and he opened the door to one of the bedrooms.
“This will be your room. It has a bathroom in it so you won’t have to leave if you need to use it. I will get you some clothes, but there are some that you left behind in there. I will come and get you when dinner has arrived.”
I should have known that he wouldn’t cook. He had never cooked for me when we were at home. Not like Hudson and Nico. Gino would always order in for us. Vincent, on the other hand, expected his dinner to be waiting for him at seven in the evening sharp. I suspected that after a day or so, we would go back to that old routine.
He started to turn and leave the room. I needed to know what he expected of me. I knew I was risking his wrath, but I asked anyway.
“Master, before you leave me, could I ask what is expected of me while I am here?”
He spun around quickly, and I thought for a moment I was going to regret asking.
“For now, I expect you to just do as I say and stay in this room. I need a few days to acclimate to having you back in my life. After that…well, we shall see, won’t we. It’s been a long while since you subbed for me, and I know you have been with another Dom for the last few months, so I suspect you have forgotten everything I taught you. I may have to retrain you.”