Page 46 of Angel's Forever
“You are willing to show yourself to someone, TD? Does he really deserve that?”
The smirk came over his face again. “For someone willing to kill unborn children, yes, I would show my face to the world for him.”
I nodded knowingly. I felt the same way about Vincent.
“I’m afraid I am going to have to turn that offer down. Even knowing what you could do to him, I need that pleasure myself. It won’t be quite as long and drawn out as yourself, but I need to avenge my malyshka. She means the world to me, as if she was my own daughter. She is my world, and I will do anything for her.”
TD smiled as I spoke. It was the first time I had admitted to anyone my feelings about Gabriella except when talking to Gabriella, Hudson, and Nico. I looked over to Aleksandr, who now realized just how important she was to me.
“I totally understand, Viktor. The offer will always be there, though, if you want me to help. Now, I’d better let you get on. Once this is all over, I would love to meet this woman who has tamed one of the hardest Russian bosses there is. I’ll wait here in case you need my help. However, I’m sure your men will be able to deal with him.”
I gave him a nod and said my goodbyes. We walked back out of the back of the house and to our car out front. My men had all been told to keep their distance from the house, on the understanding that the contact didn’t want to be seen. None of them except Aleksandr knew who it was, and I suspected if they did see him, they still wouldn’t realize. I knew that none of them would disobey me, and I found them all standing there in the same position they had been when we went inside.
We got into my car, took the short drive up to where Vincent was staying, and parked just out of sight on the long driveway leading to the house. Our position could't easily be seen from either the main road or the house, without walking along the driveway. The fact that trees surrounded the house, gave us the perfect cover to get up to it without anyone seeing us. My men all got out of their vehicles and started to gather, awaiting my instruction.
“You all know why we are here and what we need to do. I want one team to guard the front door, one at the rear, and the last to come inside with Aleksandr and me. Do not kill Vincent unless absolutely necessary. I will accept if he is injured, but I will have the pleasure of ending his life myself.”
I heard a few mumbles and noticed raised eyebrows at my comment. Only three men knew that I had killed Nikolai myself. I wanted to keep it that way. However, I wanted every member of my organization to know that I would kill Vincent. It would make them all realize just how important this was to me.
“I want everyone to head to their positions using the trees as cover. I want this to be a surprise and hopefully, no one will get killed, or even hurt. But know this, should that happen, you will be a hero to the Koslov family, and your own family will be well looked after. Now, to your positions, and udachi.”
I watched as my men headed into their positions, then turned to Aleksandr.
“Are you ready?”
He gave me a nod, and we headed around the tree line surrounding the house so we met up with the group who would be entering the house with us. Slowly, we walked the short distance from the edge of the trees up onto the back porch and through the door. We could hear muffled voices, which sounded as though they were coming from upstairs. The men checked all the rooms and confirmed that there was no one on the ground floor.
This made things easier. There was no way that Vincent could escape unless he jumped out of a window, and then he would probably be hurt and wouldn’t escape my men waiting outside. I signaled to two of the group to stay here just in case he tried to escape down the stairs. With that, we headed up the stairs.
As we grew closer to the room that Gabriella was being held in, the voices became slightly clearer. I could hear that Gabriella was crying and pleading with Vincent not to harm her or the baby.
I couldn’t hold back any longer as Gabriella’s muffled screams through the door. I motioned to one of my men to smash down the door and we all headed inside. The sight I found was shocking. Gabriella, my malyshka, was naked and tied to the bed with a half-naked Vincent leering over her.
I shouted at the top of my voice.
“Get the fuck off of her NOW!”
Chapter Twenty-Six
I WASN'T SURE WHAT the time was. All I knew was that it must be close to lunchtime because I was starting to feel quite hungry. Since coming here, my appetite had returned, and I was able to eat without immediately wanting to throw it back up. In some respects, this would have been a relief if I’d been at home and could just walk into the kitchen to get myself something to eat. However, being locked in this room meant that I had to rely on Vincent to bring me food.
I had spent the past five days trying to think about the men in my life, hoping that they were okay and surviving without me. I thought about Gino’s lifeless body lying on the ground, praying that someone had found him in time and that he was still alive. I wondered how long it would take the three of them to forget about me and get on with their lives. Whether they ever would. On the other hand, would they pine after me until the day that they died?
I hoped that was not the case. I wanted all of them to be happy and hoped they would eventually find a woman they could share their life with.
When I wasn’t thinking about the men in my life because it hurt far too much, I thought about the precious life that was growing inside me. I spoke to them all the time, wanting them to recognize my voice as soon as they were born. I even started to talk to them in Italian as well, explaining exactly what I was saying to them, in the hope they would learn that as well. I knew it was silly, expecting so much of someone so tiny, but it was what got me through the long days and nights on my own.
I was lying in bed when I heard the key turning in the lock. Something about the way Vincent was opening the door instantly put me on edge. I pulled myself up into a sitting position, with my back up against the headboard and my knees pulled up as far as I dared.
As I looked at him as he walked into the room, I could tell that he was high on drugs. His pupils were so dilated that his eyes looked almost black. He closed the door behind him and locked it, something he had never done since we had arrived here five days ago.
I knew my time had come. He didn’t have to say a word for me to know that after today, things would be different – or, in my case, the same. I was going to quickly be flung back to six months ago when my life had consisted of regular beatings and being raped, for want of a better word, daily.
An evil smirk came over his face, one that sent shivers down my spine. “Hello, my Angel. Have you missed me?”
He stood at the foot of the bed as I cowered at the other. I could see his cock was already hard in his pants. He was aroused by my fear. He always had been. I realized now that he wasn’t a Dom. He was a sadist who fed on my fear and pain. I tried to pull some sense of courage from inside me as I spoke, not wanting to feed his sadism any more than it already was.