Page 59 of Angel's Forever
“So, what are our plans for the day?” I asked.
I hadn’t thought of anything we could do today, especially as we were so close to Thanksgiving and the weather was changing rapidly as winter started to hit New York. I knew we had so much to plan for the arrival of Munchkin, but I guessed all three men were worried about taking over. Well, perhaps Gino and I were. If we left it to Hudson, then there would be far too much stuff. A crib in every bedroom, clothes for every day of the year, times three just in case. I was already trying to calm down his ideas, as I could tell it was starting to get on Rosa’s nerves and we had only known for three weeks. We still had just over five months to go.
“I’d love just to spend the weekend here relaxing,” Rosa said. “I know Thanksgiving is next week and we will be doing that then as well, but I just want to enjoy the peace and quiet before this little one arrives and turns our world upside-down. If you all want to go out and watch a football game or something, I don’t mind. I know you haven’t been out on a guys’ day in ages. I’m sure Antonio or Luca will stay here with me.”
There was our thoughtful and selfless Rosa. Always thinking about us and not herself. It had been months since Hudson and I had spent a day together. However, now that we had Rosa in our lives, we didn’t feel the need to go out like we had in the past. Even our drinking days were almost over. We hardly touched a drop now, which could only be a good thing for us both.
“Gaby, you know we enjoy your company,” Hudson said. “Don’t think you have to suggest that we spend time together because you are worried about us. Because there is no need. Unless, of course, you are just trying to get rid of us for the day?”
“Well, the idea of spending a day with Luca does sound fun.”
I couldn’t believe it when Gino immediately turned around to her.
“No. Absolutely not! If Hudson and Nico want to go out that’s fine, but I’m staying here.”
We all looked at him in shock. I was finding out so much about this man today. Things I never knew about him. Including how possessive he’d become of Rosa. He knew Luca had no feelings for Rosa – in fact, he was happily married himself – but still, Gino argued the case.
Rosa smiled at him and placed her hand over his. “I think I need to speak to Nico. You seem to be losing the quiet and submissive side that both Hudson and I like.”
Again, seeing the change in Gino when Rosa spoke was hysterical. From full-on alpha to a blushing wreck. I loved him so much. I went to continue to eat, but noticed some breaking news on the TV and turned it up to listen.
Breaking news.
We have just received reports that a disfigured body was found by police on the outskirts of the city at an abandoned warehouse earlier this morning. Contacts close to the scene have suggested that it is the body of business tycoon Vincent Forbes-Stuart, who has been missing for the past two months from his home in Detroit Michigan.
A formal identification is due to take place later this afternoon, we understand, and the police are not ruling out that this was a drug-related attack.
We are now going to our reporter, Charles Lucas, who is outside the Forbes-Stuart residence in Detroit.
I turned the volume back down as we all sat there in silence. Rosa’s ordeal was finally over. Viktor had kept his promise and put Vincent down into hell. We could finally look forward to never having to mention his name again.
Chapter Thirty-Three
I SAT THERE AND LET the news I had just heard sink in.
Contacts close to the scene have suggested that it is the body of business tycoon Vincent Forbes-Stuart.
They wouldn’t release a name unless they were certain. They would usually just say that a body had been found. I placed my hand on my stomach.
“We’re safe, Munchkin. It’s finally over. Dedushka Viktor kept his promise to us,” I whispered to my baby, finally feeling relief from what this news brought.
It was final. We were finally free of Vincent. I felt a tear roll down my face. Not because he was dead, but because I could finally live the life I deserved with the men I loved, without constantly looking behind me all the time.
We all sat there in silence for a moment. I wasn’t sure if it was because it took a while for the news to sink in or if we were all just sitting there waiting for someone to say it was a lie. I watched as the reporter showed a car leaving Vincent’s parents’ house with a close-up view of his mother in tears. I knew the news would be hard for them to take, but they didn’t know the real Vincent. They only saw the kind and generous man that he wanted them to see. Only I had seen the true Vincent Forbes-Stuart.
I felt a hand come over mine and looked over to see Hudson looking at me with concern in his eyes.
“Are you okay, Gaby?”
Part of me felt numb. I couldn’t understand why. I should have been happy, elated even, at the news. No matter what I thought of him, though, all I could think about was what he had put me through for years. I sat there in a daze until I felt three sets of arms engulf me as all my men held me tight. The tears of relief started to fall down my face.
“Tesoro, please tell us you are okay.”
I pulled away slightly from their embrace, and they let me go, none of them moving from their positions around me.
“I’m fine. I just feel numb. I guess because it’s final. I don’t have to worry anymore. It’s just a shock, that’s all. Even though I was expecting the news, it still came as a surprise. I’ll be okay in a minute. I promise.”