Page 63 of Angel's Forever
“What have you done, Gaby?” Hudson asked. “We didn’t get you anything, and you already got us rings.”
“You have given me everything I have ever wanted, Hudson, just by your words today. I just wanted to give you something in return. Now, sit down and open your presents. But you all have to open them at the same time or it will ruin the surprise.”
They helped me into my seat before sitting themselves and picking up the boxes. Hudson, of course, had to shake his to try to guess what was inside, but I knew no matter how many guesses they had, they would never get it right.
“I’ll count you down from three, and then you can open them. Okay?”
They all nodded their heads in agreement, their hands ready on the bows.
“Three. Two. One.”
They all quickly ripped open their boxes and pulled out the envelopes inside. They looked at me confused before continuing to open them and pull out the cards. On the front were the words Would You Please, then inside it said, Be Our Daddies, complete with the scan of the twins that I was carrying inside me.
I watched as they looked at the pictures in silence until the realization clicked into place. Gino got it first, flinging his chair back pulling me up from mine, and then lifting me and twirling me around until I was dizzy.
“You’re pregnant?”
I nodded.
“And you’re having twins?”
Again, I nodded as the tears of joy started to fall down my face. The men I loved immediately surrounded me and engulfed me in their arms and kisses. A voice from behind me sounded, and we looked around to see Monica standing there with Hayden in her arms.
“I couldn’t have thought of a better way to do that, Gaby. It was the perfect reaction, and we have it all recorded.”
She passed me Hayden and congratulated the men in my life as I sat down with my precious child in my arms. Today couldn’t have been any better. We had committed our lives to each other, and I had given them the news that they were going to become dads again. All I hoped for now was that Gino and Nico were the biological fathers and that we lived the rest of our lives together in love. And all thanks to an auction and a night to remember.
The End