Page 43 of Song of Lorelei
He blinked several times and looked around him, trying to gauge who else heard. Those closest to them seemed a little affronted by her bluntness, but she didn’t care if it made her look like an asshole. She was ready for this event to be over and for these people who didn’t really care about The Osprey crew to go away.
Their families had been invited, but Haven Cove was too far, and the hurt too big to make the trip. And maybe they had sensed better than Lorelei had that their grief would have been turned into a spectacle. For their sakes, she was glad they hadn’t come.
But Ed came. And when the event was over, she gave him a tight hug.
When the crowd left, Lorelei lingered, finally having her peace. She asked Killian and Kat to wait in the car for her. Kat rubbed her shoulder and Killian kissed her cheek before leaving together. Even Ed went with them to give her privacy and space.
Rubbing Mackenzie’s necklace between her fingers, she touched her other hand to the stone and said the words she couldn’t in front of the others. The words that weren’t even written down on paper. “I am so sorry for what happened to you that night. That your last moments were spent in utter terror and agony. I’m sorry that my kin…” Ate you. She couldn’t say those last two words, even to the dead, amongst whom there were no secrets. “And I’m sorry that you were never laid to rest.”
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she made her confession. “I didn’t know it at the time, but I’m like one of the monsters you saw in the dark. Only, they aren’t monsters. Not really. I used to think so, too, but not anymore. I’m still angry about what happened to you. None of you deserved any of it, but I’m not angry at them anymore. I think you would understand if you could see what I see and know what I know about them. That they’re just like us—human and flawed but capable of better. But, of course, you’re perfectly in your right to just tell me to shut up and fuck off.”
Inhaling deeply, she pushed her residual guilt out with her breath. “I can’t undo what happened, but I still wish you could be here and be a part of this world that knows mermaids exist. Mackenzie, you would like Nireed. She’s fierce and sassy, but I can see you making it your personal mission to make her laugh. I have no doubt you would have succeeded.”
She traced her fingers over their names and whispered a prayer in German that her mother had taught her. The last time she’d said it was at her mother’s funeral.
After one final touch, she turned around to face the Haven Cove Marine Research Center. She couldn’t see through the glass, but just beyond on the other side was the mermaid lab, and within it, Nireed in her tank. She had no idea if the siren could see her—or was even looking—but Lorelei signed anyway. In English, it roughly translated to, “I am coming to get you.”
Chapter Twenty-Four
The Grand Opening started in just fifteen minutes.
Within the privacy of Lila’s office, Lorelei said, “Are you sure you want to do this? You don’t need to come. I can do this on my own.” She tapped her throat. With most of their colleagues congregating in or around the museum, Lorelei didn’t think she’d have a problem pulling off the jailbreak and virophage extraction singlehandedly. Her voice could knock out a few security guards and Jerry. “If we get caught, you’d lose your job over this.”
Lila shook her head vigorously, folding her arms across her chest. “Last year, on Dawn Chaser, we made a vow to free Nireed if her health failed, and I fully intend to keep it. Besides, I know how to properly handle the virophages, and you’ll have your hands full with Nireed.”
“If you change your mind, I won’t be upset...”
“Lorelei,” Lila said firmly, giving her arm a reassuring squeeze. “It’s my choice, and I’m helping.”
“Okay,” Lorelei puffed out her breath and shook out her arms, her nerves along with them. After two deep breaths, she schooled her features, and fixed a bright smile on her face, the one she used in professional settings. She called it her customer service smile.
“Wow, that was a scary transformation.”
“You’ve seen far worse.”
Logging out of her computer, Lila said, “I prefer the teeth and claws, actually.”
“One of the few who do. You ready?”
“Lead the way, Museum Director.”
Lorelei chuckled. “What did Will call this—Operation Badass Babes?”
“Yup. But I think Badass Bitches fits the tone better for what we’re pulling off today.”
“All right, Bad Bitch. Let’s get this shit done.”
* * *
Doorbuster was a good word to describe the day’s event. All the rooms were already jam-packed and pushing max capacity, and it was little after the museum’s 9:00 a.m. opening. Carrie stationed herself at the door with security to hand out discount vouchers to guests they had to turn away at the door. If Lorelei didn’t have a mermaid rescue and virophage heist to pull off, she would’ve taken a moment to triumph in this great success.
For the first hour, Lorelei worked the room hard. One because it was her job, and two to make sure she was well seen and heard by patrons and colleagues. But especially Phil and members of the board.
At 10:00 a.m., Lorelei began weaving through the crowd toward the back, as if making her way to the bathrooms. It was Operation Badass Bitches go time.
“Ms. Roth!”