Page 14 of Old Habits
Chapter 4
I close my eyes and exhale. “It’s Jovie.”
The woman rushes over to the counter and screws up her face. “Are you sure?”
I recognize her from high school but I honestly can’t tell you what her name is. “Pretty sure.”
“I could have sworn your name was Josie…”
“Nope.” I point to my red name tag. “It’s Jovie.”
She chews on the corner of her pink mouth. “Huh…”
“It’s okay. I don’t remember your name, either.”
She throws her head back and laughs while her mane of wild, blonde hair tumbles about her face. “It’s Natalie! Natalie Jones. Well…” She flashes the ring on her finger. “That’s Wright nowadays. Dickie and I have been married five years, but you know that, you were there.”
I raise a brow. “I was?”
“The ceremony was in the town square, silly! Everyone was there!”
“Oh, right. Of course,” I say, still not remembering a damn thing about this lady. “It was a beautiful day.”
“I know, right?” She stares at the giant rock on her finger and sighs lovingly to herself. “Anyway, so what are you up to?”
I glance around the store. “Pretty much this.”
“Are you married?”
“Any kids? I have two.”
“Nope. No kids.”
“Then…” Her brow furrows. “What do you do?”
“I actually have some restocking to do,” I say, tapping a stack of figures beside me on the counter. “Can I help you find something or are you good?”
“Oh, I’m good!” She holds up a stack of fliers. “I just came in to see if it would be okay to hang one or two of these in your window here?”
“What is it?” I ask.
Natalie lays them down. “The party planning committee is looking for a little fresh blood just in time to start putting together the Valentine’s Day dance next month. All the info is at the bottom.”
I nod on the outside but on the inside, I’m screaming. “I’ll have to check with Mr. Trin but it should be okay.”
“Perfect.” She grins. “Anyway, I think I’ll browse a little before heading to the next door down. You go do… what you do, Jos—vie. Jovie.”
“Bye, Natalie.”