Page 47 of Death
Don’t stop.
Ari squeezes my hand as I feel him turn his head again. “Can I make you come?” he asks.
I open my eyes and look down at him. The fiery lust in his eyes almost sends me over the edge as I admire his wet lips and rising pecs.
“Yes,” I answer again.
Ari props my knees up onto his shoulders. Again, I gasp, unprepared for the sudden, dominant move but I don’t say a word to stop it. I let my bare feet rest on his back and I swoon as his tongue takes me again.
I let the sensations wash over me, giving myself full permission to enjoy every second of it. As I near the edge, everything feels so much sharper. The heat of the fire on my skin. The rub of his soft face on my inner thigh. The pound of blood in my veins. I tremble and lurch, held down only by the strength of his hands and the will of his tongue as my world falls apart.
I hold my breath as the tension breaks. I grip the rug beneath me, white knuckles poking out as I come for him. My senses explode and for one, perfect moment, I feel nothing at all. No heat, no soft rub. No pounding blood.
Just nothing.
And when it’s over, I feel the lump in my throat and the stiff pain in my knuckles and I cry.
I feel his hand on my cheek. I feel my toes sink into the carpet though I don’t recall sliding them off his shoulders. I feel—
I open my eyes. Ari leans over me, his cool touch chilling my raging skin. “Hi,” I say, my dry throat cracking.
He wipes my cheek with his thumb. “Sit up,” he says.
I push up with my hands into a sitting position as Ari sits beside me, facing me. Without thinking, I collapse forward onto his chest and he cradles his arms around me. His fingers gently trace from my shoulder blades to the small of my back as he kisses my forehead and I release the small sob inside of me.
“You okay?” he asks after a few minutes.
“I’m fine.” I sniff and shake my head. “I have no idea where that came from.”
Ari chuckles. “I do.” His lips graze my temple. “It’s normal. Don’t worry.”
I raise my head to take in a deep breath. “Can you do it again?” I ask.
His smile stretches and he cups my face, drawing me close to kiss me on the mouth. “Some other time,” he says. “Now, I should probably get you home. I promised your parents they’d get you for dinner.”
I nod. “Well, yeah, I didn’t mean… like again right now…”
He stands off the floor and takes my hand to help me up. “Oh, young Tannis,” he says, pushing my hair back behind my ears. “Be with me… and you’ll be amazed at what I can do to you.”
And just like that, my heart shifts.
Yesterday, I would have smacked him in the face for a comment like that.
I would have rejected every dimple on his pretty, little face because I’m more than a prize.
But now, standing here on weak ankles, held up by his embrace and begging for more…
That ribbon wraps slowly around my heart once more and tightens even stronger than before.
And I can’t do a thing to stop it.