Page 49 of Death
Is this one of the last family dinners we’ll ever have together?
That didn’t sink in until now. My birthday is tomorrow. Our twenty-year time limit is hours away from coming to an end.
I push Ari from my mind. I let today’s wonderful moments fade off into the background and I give my parents the attention they deserve.
Because it might be my last chance to do it.
The hours pass slowly and I wonder if Ari might have had something to do with that. He took me to Paris in ten minutes flat. I’m sure he can make what little time I have with my parents feel like days.
Midnight finally arrives and I kiss them goodnight. I walk upstairs to my room and the moments with Ari come rushing back, along with my deep smile.
Then, I pause.
We made a deal.
I don’t have to leave with him. At the end of three dates, I can say no and he’ll go away. He has to prove he’s worthy of me. That was the deal.
So, why am I thinking like these are my final days?
Because he is worthy.
I close my door behind me and plant my back against it. Has Ari proven himself to me? I’ll want for nothing. I’ll never have to work a day if I choose not to. I can travel the globe, stay anywhere I want, do anything I please, and he’ll protect every single hair on my body while I do it.
And that’s not even counting what he can do in the bedroom.
I bite my cheek as my heart skips. His mouth, his body. The way his hands knew just where to touch me and he knew just what to say. And I…
My gut stalls.
And I just laid there.
I didn’t say or do anything back. I didn’t even offer.
I lick my lips as I picture his body. Ari wanted to show me and teach me. He wanted to give me pleasure and he didn’t expect it in return.
But I want to give it to him.
I want…
I change into my pajamas and climb into bed. With the lights off, I lie down on my pillow and I picture the dream. That dark bedroom. That burning fireplace. That large bed.
And Ari…
The ribbon tightens.
I want to see Ari.
I close my eyes and I open them again in the same place as before. A dark bedroom full of shadows.
I did it! Or is this really a dream this time?
I look down. I’m standing at the foot of a large bed with black, silk sheets. A man lies there beneath the covers, his pale skin barely visible in the darkness but I can already tell it’s Ari.
A cool breeze blows in from the open balcony across the room. It touches my skin all over and I shudder before I realize that I’m naked.
Buck naked.
Or this better just be an awful, embarrassing dream.