Page 57 of Death
I can go anywhere in the world I want.
But, strangely, that’s not my first choice.
“You’ll take me anywhere in this world?” I ask. “Or yours?”
His breath hitches. “Mine?”
“I mean...” I tug a stray thread on my sleeve. “You said you wanted me to be queen, right? Shouldn’t I have some idea of what exactly I’m to be queen of?”
Ari flexes his jaw. “You make a good point.”
“And...” I pause, sensing a heavy weight on my tongue, “I want to know what you do. You said you’re an escort. I want to know what that means.”
Ari stares at me with a new level of fascination. “I offer you the world for a day and you choose to spend it in mine?” he asks.
I nod. “Yes.”
His head tilts. “Are you sure?”
A rock forms in my gut.
AmI sure?
Here I stand; Dorothy in front of the wizard. Am I sure I want to see what’s behind the curtain?
“Yes,” I answer. “I already know what it’s like to live in the dark. I want to know what it’s like to... know.”
Ari’s face softens, showing a hint of understanding. “As you wish, then,” he says.
He extends his hand to me and a cool chill travels down my spine.
“Take my hand. Close your eyes.” He locks on me with a piercing gaze. “Don’t let go.”
My stomach flutters, once again weighed down by the heavy rock taking hold of me but my curiosity instantly wins out.
I take his hand.
I close my eyes.
And we fall.