Page 6 of Death
Dina lets out a long groan. “Fine. Whatever. Be boring.”
Riley rolls his eyes. “You guys want some coffee?” he offers, changing the subject. “My treat.”
“Yes!” Dina says, latching onto his arm. “I need a serious shot of espresso.”
I shake my head. “Actually—”
A man shoves between us at full speed, slamming me in the shoulder and knocking me off balance.
“Stop that guy! He stole my purse!” a woman shouts a block away.
I stumble backward, unable to hold myself upright in my high heels, and slip off the curb into the street.
Dina gasps behind me, barely audible over the car horn blaring in my ears.
“Tannis, watch out!”
Headlights flash brightly to my left. I freeze as my entire body tenses up from paralyzing fear. With eyes clenched, I wait. I wait for the sudden rise of pain amid squealing tires. I wonder if it’ll be quick. With any luck, I’ll get knocked out on impact and wake up in the hospital drugged out and numb.
Or worse.
Happy Birthday to me.
This is it. Exactly what Cassandra said.
I wait. And wait.
Then, I float. My toes rise off the hard ground and I brace for pain.
But I feel nothing.
Except for a firm grip around my torso.
I open my eyes. Somehow, I’m safe on the sidewalk again, far away from the speeding traffic. My toes dangle several inches off the concrete. I focus my blurred vision on a man. He’s tall, easily a head or so taller than I am. Short, brown hair. A clean-shaven face with a hint of a shadow emerging beneath sharp cheekbones.
And his eyes…
Deep, black pools that look right through me.
My breath hitches.
“Tannis!” Dina shouts from… somewhere. “Are you okay?!”
I ignore her voice, seemingly trapped in time with this stranger. Though…
I know I’ve seen him somewhere before.
He wets his gentle lips. “Answer her,” he says, his voice firing a bullet down my spine. “Are you okay?”
I nod, bouncing my chin as if my neck were jelly. “Yeah.” I find my voice. “I’m okay.”
“You sure?”
He slowly bends and sets me down. My toes touch the ground but my ankles sway like rubber and I nearly slip to my knees.