Page 71 of Death
I hug her again and she squeezes me hard. “I’ll be okay, Mom,” I say. “I promise.”
Dad slams into my back, tightly sandwiching me between them and I hold my breath through the long group hug.
When they finally pull away, I glance at Ari again. He stands by without a hint of impatience, silently watching with a short smile.
“I trust him,” I say, meaning it. “You don’t have to worry about us.”
Mom composes herself and nods. “I know.”
“We still will, though,” Dad says.
“Oh, of course.”
He smiles. “But we know.”
They take another long look at me before stepping off to the side. Dad takes Mom’s hand and the two of them straighten up in respect as they turn to Ari.
“Ari,” my father says, “we release her.”
Ari steps forward to stand beside me. My heart races deep in my chest, driven by an adrenaline mix of excitement and nerves, but as I look up into his kind, gentle eyes, I breathe easier.
I have always been his queen.
Ari extends his hand to me.
And I take it.