Page 37 of Bump and Run
“Thanks!” I shout back.
I guess that’s it. It was fun while it lasted and I mean that. Unfortunately, this little date with Eliza was the most fun I’ve had with a girl in a long time but in the end, she’s right.
I am a jackass.
* * *
I wakeup early and hit the gym at the athletic center on campus. Needless to say, my sleep was fairly restless but a cold shower and a stiff drink knocked me out for a few hours. A quick run on the treadmill should dislodge that deep frustration in my gut for a while — at least long enough for me to forget Eliza Pierce ever existed.
The gym is mostly deserted, as it usually is at this time of the morning. I push my earbuds in and crank some music, setting a fast pace on the treadmill before hopping on the belt and leaving my emotions behind.
After a few minutes of forgetting Eliza, I feel someone climb onto the treadmill next to mine. I give a quick glance over from the corner of my eye and I nearly slip right off the damn belt.
It’s Eliza.
I pull out my earbuds and slam the button down to decrease the speed. “What are you doing here?”
She reaches behind her and grips her ankle, pulling it back to stretch out her quadriceps. “This gym is nicer than the one at the rec center,” she simply says.
“This gym is for athletes only,” I point out.
“And my father is the football coach,” she shrugs, stretching her other leg. “I asked if I could work out here instead and he said yes.”
“Go away.”
“Excuse me?”
“I don’t want to see you around here.”
Eliza laughs. “Oh, please. You can’t possibly be mad about last night.”
“Actually, yes. I am.”
“Get over it.” She turns the treadmill on, setting it to a brisk walking pace while she warms up.
Of course, my eyes instantly fall to her tits, pressed tightly against her beneath a black sports bra. They bounce with every step she takes, each jiggle sending fireworks down to my groin.
What a bitch.
I push my earbuds back in and resume my run, targeting a speed a little faster than my usual gait, trying to ignore the fact that Eliza freakin’ Pierce is running beside me in skin-tight yoga pants.
She increases her speed, easily matching mine and a bolt of rage teases at me. There’s no way in hell I’m going to let Eliza Pierce outrun me.
I fill my lungs with air and knock the speed up a notch, tapping into my stamina to keep me going. It’s a fast but easy stride, something I can maintain long enough to prove my point.
I sense her movement beside me and out of the corner of my eye, I see her increase her speed.
She can’t keep up with this pace for very long. Soon, her little legs with slow her down. She’s not nearly as fit as I am.
My chest heaves. Air blows in and out of my mouth and I feel that slow burn building in my chest, the one that tells you to slow down before you hurt yourself.
I glance over at Eliza. She’s barely broken a damn sweat.
I tap the speed up a little higher and grit my teeth as she does the same.
“What’s wrong, Junior?” she chuckles. Luckily, her words are labored, just barely making it out of her mouth between her thick breaths. “Having trouble?”