Page 72 of Bump and Run
“It’s an A… or you get no A.”
“Shit…”he laughs. “That was clever.”
I pop up onto my toes to kiss his cheek. “Bye, Junior.”
“Bye, Ellie.”
I scan the street for any witnesses before stepping outside, a habit I’ve developed since the first time I entered his house, and the reality of this situation settles in my gut.
It’s a habit for a reason. Junior and I aren’t supposed to be hooking up like this. Even if the two of us really did want to be something more, there’s still an obvious obstacle for us to work around.
He’s my father’s star quarterback. I honestly don’t know what my father would do if he ever found out, but I can safely say he won’t be popping open any bottles of champagne in celebration.
I climb into my car as Junior steps outside to make his way back to campus. He throws a quick wave in my direction and I return the gesture. I think to blow him a kiss, but that’s not what we are.
We’re having fun. That’s all this is. Just good, old-fashioned, casual sex. A quick wave is justified. A blown kiss means something we’re not.
I can keep pretending that doesn’t bother me. I’m an actress, after all.
The show must go on.