Page 8 of Bump and Run
“The Bigger Book of Comedic and Dramatic Monologues,”I read the title and quickly look at her. “You act?”
“Occasionally. It’s for a class.”
“What class?”
“Theatre 375.”
“375? Okay, so when you say you act occasionally, what you really mean is…”
“It’s my life,” she smiles.
“Gotcha,” I laugh. “You’re a theatre nerd. That’s cool.”
“Oh, thank heavens,” she says with sarcasm. “I have the approval of the quarterback. My undergraduate life is complete.”
“No, really. I think it’s cool.”
“I highly doubt that.” She side-eyes me. “How about you cut right to it already? I have some memorizing to do.”
I blink. “Cut right to what?”
“You know what.” She reaches between her legs and grabs the coffee cup, dangling it in front of me like an obvious sign.
“Well, I am offended, Eliza,” I say, placing my palm on my chest. “I was just being nice.”
“We have coffee, we have compliments,” she chuckles. “All we need now is condoms.”
I snap to attention, completely buzzed by the fierce crack of her words. She doesn’t blink, calling me out before I even raise my hand. “Well… since you brought it up…”
“No,”she says, taking a sip of her coffee and flipping her book open again. “Not gonna happen.”
“Worth a shot.” I sit back and take a deep breath to recharge. “So, who was that guy?”
“What guy?”
“The guy in your window the other night,” I say. “He your boyfriend?”
She reluctantly smiles. “No.”
“So… does your dad not let you date? What’s going on there?”
“No, I can date. I’m an adult,” she says, chewing on her lip. “He just doesn’t like me dating footballers.”
“Why not?”
There’s a flair of impatience in her cheeks. “Because he knows what you’re all like.”
I tilt my head. “What are we like?”
She inhales a quick breath and slides a bookmark in place before setting it down. “Well, if you’re anything like him — you’re all dirty, cheating, lying scoundrels.”
I feign offense again. “Well, I must say, that’s quite insulting, Eliza.”
“Insulting…” she agrees, leaning in, “but accurate.”
I realize she’s talking about me. “Says who?”
“Your reputation proceeds you, Junior Morgan.”