Page 27 of Shattered Dreams
“Boys, get ready to load up.” I called over my shoulder and heard movement.
“Okay, mom!” They all answered.
“C’mon, boys. I’ll help get you in the van.” He looked back at me. “Can I help with the girls?”
“How about you take the diaper bag and I’ll be out with the girls?”
“Okie dokie.” He rocked back on his heels and picked up the bag before heading out to the car.
I got the flowers in a vase and then gathered the girls up. Looking around, I couldn’t find Briar’s car seat, so I went outside to the van parked in the driveway and saw it on the second row seating.
“I thought I’d get her seat buckled in for you.”
“Thanks.” I smiled and sat her in the seat, belting her in.
My prickly pear, Briar, walked over to Richard and held her arms up. “Up.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He scooped her up and walked around the van, getting her into her seat and buckling her in. “Oh, Jo, I grabbed your stroller from the other van.”
“You?” I felt like I couldn’t breathe. “Thank you.”
In one day, Richard did more for me than John did in ten years of marriage.
He closed the door and came back around, opening my door. “Your carriage.”
I slid into my seat, and he closed my door before getting into the driver’s seat. He started it up and the engine purred to life.
“Here we go!” Richard announced and turned on the radio.
The boys mumbled along, and he encouraged them to sing. Before long, we were all singing and laughing, and I can’t remember the last time we all had this much fun.
I have to stop comparing him to Johnny
Richard wasn’t angry while we waited to park. Once we were directed to our spot, he helped get the kids out and let Tyler ride on his shoulders. Grady reached out and took his hand. I had the girls in the stroller and as we walked up to the ticket booth, Harrison held on to the stroller.
Once there, he bought special passes to ride all the rides, and then we entered the fairgrounds.
My boys were ooing and ahing over everything. And I was very aware of Richard standing so close to me.
“Food or rides?” He smiled at me.
“How many rides are we allowed on?” Harrison looked up at Richard.
He motioned for him to hold out his arm as he affixed a bracelet to it, then he put one on Grady. “These bands make it so you boys can ride as many rides as you want while we’re here.”
“Hold up,” Grady put up a hand. “This band.” He pointed to his wrist. “Will get me on everything?” he pointed to the big bumper car arena. “Even those?”
“Yes, sir.” Richard lifted Tyler off his shoulders. “But we’re going to need help.”
“Help?” Tyler laughed.
“Yeah. Help.” Richard waved at two men walking our way. “Boys, this is my brother Jeremy and his friend Andrew.”
“Drew?” My jaw falls open.
“Oh, my God! Jo!” He took two big steps and then pulled me into a hug. “You look gorgeous!”
“Mama?” Grady tugged my shorts. “Does you know him?”