Page 37 of Shattered Dreams
“You said you needed to check on our van.” He sat back. “And I can give Richard this drawing.”
“We can do that.” I ruffled his hair. “We can’t keep driving this one.”
“Why not? It’s nicer.”
I barked out a laugh. “It’s not ours.”
“How about if we call in some lunch and take it to Richard as a thank you for letting us use this van? Then we can also check on ours.”
“Sounds good.” He nodded and got up from the small table with his drawing.
I called the diner and ordered lunch for us before driving to get it. My son sang with the radio and my heart felt lighter than it had in years.
Maybe now Harrison won’t have so much anxiety. Between therapy and our new life, he bloomed.
“Mom? When we get to the restaurant, can I go in and pay?”
“Sure, Sweetie.”
I found the closest parking spot, gave him money, and let him go inside. While I waited for him to come back out, my phone rang.
“I want to talk to my kids.” Hearing John’s voice made every muscle in my body tense up.
Take a deep breath. Be firm.
“Your kids aren’t available.”
Not to mention you haven’t called in over two months.
“Where the hell are they?” His voice grew louder.
“They’re spending time with their grandfather.”
“Oh. They can spend time with him, but not me?” The sneer I felt from his words made me shiver.
“Johnny, you can spend time with them on your days at the appointed times.”
“I’m the fucking father! I should be able to see my kids when I fuckin’ want. This won’t stand. Nobody is going to keep me from my kids.” He growled. “And since when did you get all high and mighty talkin’ back to me? Huh?”
I took another deep breath and saw Harrison walking towards the van. “You can call back later to talk to the kids.”
“God damn it, Lynn!”
Smiling at my son, I disconnected the call and put my phone into my purse.
That felt so good to do.
Harrison opened the back door, set the food in, and then pushed the automatic close button. I heard his laughter outside the van before he opened the door to get inside. “That’s so cool.”
“Yes. Yes it is.” I laughed with him.
He reached for my hand and held it while I drove. “Mom?”