Page 42 of Shattered Dreams
Sunday afternoon I sat at my mom’s kitchen table laughing with her and my brothers as we loaded up our plates to feast.
Ever since Cooper got back, mom demanded these to keep us all close.
“Maybe next Sunday you can ask Olivia to join in?” She raised her eyebrow at Cooper.
Cooper let out a sigh. “She’s still not talking to me.”
“Well, maybe after the welcome home baby George party, you’ll figure it out.” She handed me the potatoes. “Are you going to bring a date to the party?”
“I’m going to ask Jo.”
“You’ve been seeing a bit of her at night.” Mom smiled at me.
“What makes you say that?” I handed the potatoes to Jeremy, who started laughing.
“Like we haven’t noticed your big ass feet hanging out of the treehouse most nights.” Jeremy gave me a shoulder bump.
“And since the fair, you’ve been walking around with a dopey smile on your face.” Coop made a funny face at me.
“She’s had a lot going on.” I shrugged. “She brings the baby monitor and we just talk.”
“You and her always snuck out there as kids.” Cooper smiled.
I felt the dopey smile spreading across my face. For now, I had my friend back, and that was good enough.
Not to mention she’s confiding in me about how her ex was good at first and it was a slow decent to hell.
“Boys, don’t tease your brother.” Ma looked over at me. “You can’t rush love.”
“Thanks, ma.”
“Or grandbabies.” She lifted a forkful of meatloaf into her mouth.
“Come in!” Cooper and Jeremy yelled at the same time.
The door opened and closed and in came Jo. “Oh. I’ll go. I didn’t me …”
“Jolynn, don’t be silly. Have a seat. Coop, get her a plate.” Mom nodded at the empty chair next to me.
“I really don’t mean to intrude.”
“Jo, you could never intrude.” I pulled a chair out for her to sit. “What brings you over? Where’s the kids?”
She laid her head on my shoulder. “It’s his visitation today. After the phone call, he exercised his right. So now my dad and his mother are the supervising adults.”
“Breathe, sweetie.” Mom’s voice was soft. “Your dad won’t let anything happen to those babies.”
“I know.” She picked at her lip. “But. He’s here. Well, there.”
I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her head. “Your dad’ll call if there’s trouble, and you got us on your side.”
“Thanks, Richie.” She took the plate Cooper handed her and loaded up some food.
“Hey, they’re celebrating baby George next weekend. You wanna be Richie’s date?” Jeremy chuckled.