Page 50 of Shattered Dreams
“I missed you too, Jojo, and all we can do is take things slow and see what happens.”
“Richie, I’m a mess.” She whispered.
“We all are.” I swiped the tears away.
“I … uh, suggested camping in the backyard.”
Topic change. We can do that.
“If they want to try that, they can crash in the treehouse.”
“Our treehouse?”
“Oh?” I chuckled. “It’s ours now?”
“Well, I mean after Sunday.” She laughed tenderly.
“You’re so cute.” I cleared my throat. “Hey Jo?”
“I have camping gear if you wouldn’t mind me tagging along.”
“You really want to go camping with my crazy ass and five kids?” She barked out a laugh.
“Actually, yeah. I would love to.”
She was quiet for a moment, and I heard her draw a deep breath in. “I would love to have you teach us.”
“So, next weekend?” I mentally checked my schedule.
“Sounds good to me.”
“Tomorrow, come by the shop. I have the papers for the van.”
“Richard Garrett Parks. Where is my van?”
I cleared my throat again. “Um, junkyard.”
“What!? Why?” Her panicked voice was back.
“Because it was a piece of shit, Jolynn, and I’m not having you and those kids driving around in a death-trap!”
“You … you bought me a van?”
“It’s late, baby. You need to get some sleep.”
“We’re not done talking about this, Richard.” Her mom voice came out, making me chuckle.
“We can duke it out tomorrow.”
“Fine.” She sniffed. “G’night.”
She ended the call, and I sat there smiling like a fool. I loved her so much I would move heaven and hell for her. I know I’m not the rebound. Asshat was.
I looked forward to our fight tomorrow because the pervert in me wanted to bring her up to my bedroom and fuck her silly.
Slow down, dipshit, she needs time.
Opening my messages with Libby, I shot her a quick text.
Jo needs a job
She hit me back a second later.
We could use another office monkey.
Smart girl. She knew exactly what I wanted.
Tossing my phone aside, I hit play on my movie and smiled like a fool. I haven’t camped in years, and now I get to take my future family.