Page 6 of Shattered Dreams
“Okay.” He picked up his radio. “I need someone to find …”
I didn’t hear the rest of what he said. Embarrassment washed over me as I began peeing on the floor.
“Uh-oh.” A soft voice behind me chuckled. “Mr. Tyler? Her water just broke.”
He spun back to me, his eyes wide. “Okay, this part I can’t do. Let’s try to walk you closer to the doors.”
I wanted the floor to open up and eat me.
“I’m guessing that’s our patient?” A deep voice came from one of the medics walking towards us with the stretcher. “You got lucky, ma’am. We were inside grabbing lunch!”
“Ugh.” I let out a scream.
“And it’s go time!” The other medic said as they flanked me. “I’ve always wanted to join the stork club!”
“Chase.” The taller one shook his head. “Not helping.”
“Chase?” I looked at the shorter one. “He’s right.”
The guys let out a laugh and helped me get onto the stretcher, then covered me with a sheet.
I reached for the manager’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Thank you, Tyler.”
“You just have a healthy delivery.”
I burst into tears. “I am so sorry.”
He shook his head. “You’re fine.”
The medics rolled me out of the store and I heard John and my boys.
“Whoa! That’s my fuckin’ wife.” He stepped in front of Chase. “Where you takin’ her?”
“To the hospital, sir.” Chase pushed him out of the way and looked over his shoulder. “Hey, Alan, need an assist buddy.”
The other medic leaned closer to me. “Do you have someone we can call to take the boys?”
My head nodded like a bobble head as I pulled the phone from my pocket. “My parents. Kathy and Ed Whitman.”
He took my phone and found what he needed. “I’m James, and I need you to breathe while I call them.”
I nodded as another labor pain ripped through my body. They loaded me into the ambulance and so much was happening I felt like I was drowning. There were hands everywhere touching me, IV’s being run and then we were moving.
When the pain eased I grabbed Chase’s arm. “My boys!?”
He flashed me a smile. “Officer Alan’s partner is going to transport them to the hospital, where we will meet up with your parents.”
Confusion replaced the drowning feeling. “My husband?”
Chase wrinkled his nose. “He’s gonna spend a night in the clink. He was a bit drunk and disorderly.”
I laughed hysterically. “This is so fucked up.”
Chase joined in my laughter as we rolled on, having to pull over because Tyler Chase Evans was too impatient and earned the medic his stork club status.