Page 93 of Shattered Dreams
“Thank you, Mrs. Parks.”
“Sweetie, you gave birth to my first grandchild. You can call me Jean … or mom.”
“Thank you, mama Jean.”
I dashed out, cringing when I saw my kids sitting on the kitchen table, mouths open, getting them filled with whipped cream.
“You sugar them up. You deal with the crazy.” I informed Cooper.
“Ten four.” He filled Briar’s mouth too.
I couldn’t stop the laughter that came out of me and realized I finally felt like myself.
The drive to the hospital plagued me with ‘what-ifs’ and some regrets. I never thought my life would take this turn. And if I would’ve just been honest all those years ago, I wouldn’t be here praying my dad was okay.
But then you wouldn’t have your kids.
No matter what shit I’d endured, I wouldn’t trade my kids for anything.
I turned into the parking lot for the emergency room and couldn’t believe I had to drive around looking for a place to park.
Hospitals suck. Parking sucks. Rude people suck.
“Whitman. W-H-I-T-M-A-N.”
People who work at the information desk that make it hard to get information really suck.
“I’m still not finding anyone under that name.”
I growled and walked away from the desk, making my way to the triage desk.
“Excuse me, my father came in by ambulance with a gunshot and the person at the informa …”
“May I see some identification, please?”
“I got her!” Miranda’s voice came from the hall. “Hey, Jo.”
“Where’s dad?”
“Your father is in surgery …” She kept talking, but I tuned out. “C’mon. I’ll take you up there.”
“Thanks.” I nodded and went with her.
We got in an elevator car, and she hugged me tight. “I’m so sorry, Jo.”
“I should’ve left so much sooner.” Tears poured from my eyes. “You guys tried to help me.”
“Hey.” She gave me a squeeze. “When you felt strong enough, you left. That’s what matters.”
“What a fucking mess.”
The doors on the elevator open and we step out and make our way to the waiting room. “I sent Henry to get Richard.”
“How?” Confusion filled me. “How did you know?”
“It came over the scanner.” She winked. “They’ll be here soon.”
“Thank you.”