Page 28 of All or Notching
“Why did you?”
“I was scared.”
She shoots me a quick look before returning her attention to the bubbles.
Crossing my arms on the tub’s edge, I set my chin on my hands. “When I was little, my dad was never there. He worked all the time. His schedule kept him away from home more often than not.”
She turns her head, shifting, sloshing the water enough that the bubbles dissipate, and I can see her breasts floating beneath the surface, her belly round and glorious poking above.
“My mom got pregnant with a third baby, but she miscarried, and my father wasn’t there to help her.”
I have her full attention now. She covers my dry hands with her wet ones.
“I blamed him. And although I wanted to be a doctor, I decided I would never make the same mistakes. I figured I couldn’t have both. If I wanted to be a doctor, I couldn’t have a family.”
I put a finger to her lips, shushing her. “I was young and stupid. I know that now. I’m not my father. I can make different decisions. I want a family, Laurel. I want a family with you.”
“Do you love me, Tristan?”
“With all my heart.”
Tears fall freely from her eyes. But she’s smiling. That’s got to be a good thing, right?
“I love you too.” She grunts and puts a hand on her belly. “This son of yours is going to be a soccer player.”
“This son of ours.” I can’t help the swell of pride that lifts my heart. “Then we’ll do this? We’ll be a family?”
“My parents would adore you, Tristan Tessler.”
“My mom would love you, Laurel Downing.”
“Then let’s be a family. It will be kind of nice having a doctor in the house.”
“Are you sure you’re not too old for me?”
“I stopped worrying about that weeks ago.”
“You did? What changed your mind?”
“Your stamina.”
I choke out a laugh. “What?”
“I’m kind of invested in multiple orgasms now.”
“I see. Well, let’s get you out of this tub and see how many I can give you before you fall asleep.”
“I’m tired tonight. Those practice contractions did me in.”
I’m game for a challenge.