Page 75 of The Forgotten Boy
“News, my lord. Edward of York and his brother Richard, having landed at Ravenspur, have been permitted entry into the city of York.”
Ismay couldn’t help herself—she started to laugh. She should have guessed that even in his own extremity and without trying, Edward would manage to help her.
Warwick loomed over Ismay, his man still holding her firmly from behind. “I told you that someday you’d regret your lack of enthusiasm for my plans.” He gripped her upper arm with his left hand and said to his man, “Take the cover off the well.”
Before Ismay felt more than a flash of confusion and fear, Warwick pulled his dagger and reversed it in his hand with a single flip. She realized what he meant to do just before the dagger’s hilt struck her in the temple.
Juliet woke up in a strange bed and had one moment’s disorientation before memory flooded in: Duncan, blizzard, ghost, tunnel, bones. Sinking back against the comfortable pillows, she remembered it all.
After her ghostly guide had so inconveniently vanished, Juliet had made her careful way back through the tunnel, keeping both hands on the narrow walls and her head stooped so low that her neck was killing her this morning. The worst part had been navigating her way up the tight, steep steps in the dark and moving aside the hollowed-out grave slab—all the while wondering exactly what awaited her above.
The answer had been the muffled stillness of a landscape covered in two feet of snow. The wind had dropped, and the clouds drifted enough for a shaft of moonlight to reflect off the snow, providing an eerie light. Juliet edged her way along the wall and peered out to scan the back courtyard and the house.
Only then did sound return to the world: the rumble of a tractor engine, Duncan’s familiar voice raised in complaint, and another voice that Juliet was not expecting.
“Swear at me one more time, and I’ll fire this shotgun over your head. It won’t kill you, but the buckshot will sting.” Rachel Bennett sounded like an actor in a Western—the righteous sheriff facing down the outlaw.
Duncan never did learn. “Bitch.”
Juliet broke into motion and rounded the outside walls of the chapel in time to see the aftermath of Noah’s punch. Duncan had fallen to his knees and was spitting blood onto the white snow. It looked as though he’d been tying Duncan’s hands with a rope that Juliet could only assume had been in the Bennett tractor.
“Use that word again,” Noah said, with no trace of amusement, “and I’ll let my sister shoot you. Now for the last time—where is Juliet?”
Things got a little blurry after that. Juliet throwing herself into Noah’s arms, Rachel finishing the job of tying up Duncan, the arrival of the police. The officers took statements from both Bennetts and Juliet, and arrested Duncan for breaking and entering and carrying an illegal firearm. Juliet might almost have been sorry for him if he hadn’t looked up at her from the back seat of the police car and said, “It’s your fault things came to this.”
The police officer had obligingly slammed the car door. Then Noah and Rachel bundled Juliet into the cab of the tractor and carried her off to the farm, where she’d been sent to bed.
“Good morning.” Noah spoke from the open door. When she looked between him and the empty space next to her in what was properly his bed, he laughed. “You were absolutely exhausted. I bunked in with the boys.”
“What am I wearing?” Juliet examined the oversized flannel shirt as she swung her legs out of bed.
“Don’t get up,” Noah said. “Stay cozy. We’ll talk here. The minute you emerge from this room you’ll be swarmed by concerned adults and curious children.”
He settled on the double bed, leaning against the headboard. Juliet curled up next to him and sighed when his arm came around her shoulders. “They can’t be happy about the danger you and Rachel were in.”
“Danger? Please,” said Noah. “He wasn’t going to shoot us. Even if he’d wanted to, he clearly didn’t know what he was doing with that gun.”
“Speaking of guns, does your sister often drive around the farm with a shotgun in hand?”
“I’ll tell you a secret, if you like—it wasn’t loaded. Yes, we keep a shotgun in the tractor. Very occasionally there will be animals you need to frighten off. But since the boys came to live at the farm, the shotgun shells are kept locked up in a safe.” His arm tightened around her. “I’m not trying to make light of this. I’ll admit that finding an American waving a gun around and yelling your name scared the hell out of me. I didn’t know if he’d lost you or killed you. What made you think of hiding in the tunnel?”
Juliet closed her eyes and leaned her head on his chest. “You’re the only one who will believe me.”
She began with the moment the lights went out and she’d made her dash downstairs. She left nothing out—the ghostly woman, the urgent beckoning, the light that allowed her to follow her guide through the tunnel, the pale, pointed finger directing her attention to the collapsed wall and the bones within. The bones were one thing she’d managed to explain last night, though Noah had kept the questions to a minimum.
“I phoned Daniel Gitonga this morning and told him what you’d found,” he said. “I imagine he’s already at the police station making sure amateurs don’t go messing around in a possible archeological site. They’ll have to make sure the bones are truly old before releasing them to the historians—”
“They are,” Juliet said, remembering the fragile, flaky feel beneath her fingertips. And one thing more … She extended her left hand and showed Noah the ring she had pulled from the dirt. She had ever so gently cleaned it before collapsing into bed last night, torn between treating it as a proper historical artifact and the driving need to examine it.
“You found this in the tunnel?” Noah asked.
Juliet removed it from her finger and allowed him to hold it up to the light.