Page 10 of Riverside Reverie
“It’s a box over a hole in the woods that you do your business in,” she explained. “Like an outhouse, but without the coverage.”
I turned forward, blinking with reluctant acceptance. I suppose it was better than trying to squat. I hoped it was far enough off the beaten path that I wouldn’t have an audience, yet close enough to camp that I wouldn’t get lost or eaten by a bear.
Feeling my anxiety rising, I drew in a controlled breath, focusing on the sound of nature around me; at the waves lapping gently against the side of the canoe and the birds chirping. Instantly, I felt the anxiety decreasing.
It really was beautiful; I could see why Jasmine was so sure I’d fall in love with camping. I still didn’t believe that was possible, but the landscape and the scenery already had my heart. I’d marveled at the natural rock formations as we’d paddled in, having never seen anything quite like it in person. Perhaps in pictures, but never looming so impossibly tall over me.
It made me feel incredibly small, and a part of something huge.
The rest of the group had reached the beach before us, and they’d all set to unpacking.
Theo stood on the beach beside his kayak. He’d tossed his life jacket into his kayak and still hadn’t bothered to put a shirt on. Not that I wanted him to—it was distracting in the best way possible, but I still would need to work on not gaping at him. We were camping, and I’d be gifted this sight of him shirtless more often than not.
My eyes tracked across his golden chest on their own accord, appreciating the hard lines and curves of his body. I turned my head when he looked up, not wanting to get caught. When he went back to unloading his supplies, I snuck another look; he caught me. Turned out he was watching me as much as I was watching him. This time, I didn’t avert my eyes.
The front end of the canoe hit the sand, and it came to a stop. Before I could blink, Theo was there, effortlessly tugging the canoe so that the nose was fully on the beach. He held out a hand, offering to assist my climb out.
I smiled my thanks, but chose to ignore his outstretched hand—even if a part of me wanted to touch him—just because. Although this was new to me, I was a quick learner, and I’d adjusted to the rocking motion of the canoe during the long trip down the river. I was no longer scared of it, and there wasn’t much to fear anyway now that we’d made it to the beach.
Not wanting to appear like a damsel in distress, I hopped out on my own, my flip-flop covered feet splashing into the two inches of water.
I drew my hand away, a bemused smile on my face as I watched the stubborn determination play in Lux’s eyes. Those eyes—I’d never seen eyes like hers before. They were the colour of fog over the lake on a rainy day, and the moment I’d looked into their depths, I felt something stir and take shape within me, making me feel complete.
She was out of her element. Even if Jasmine hadn’t told us in advance, as experienced as I was, I could always tell a beginner. The way Lux’s face had paled when she put one foot into the canoe had been indication enough. I’d wager she’d never set foot in a canoe until that very moment. My response to steady the canoe for her had been automatic, and I would have done it even without being immensely attracted to her.
But it appeared Lux didn’t need my help this time. She jumped out, her feet splashing in the two inches of water the front of the canoe rested in. Jasmine hopped out too, the water going up to the middle of her calves, and the two of them began to pull the canoe the rest of the way onto the beach.
I could tell when my services weren’t needed, and it didn’t bother me any. I went back to my kayak and started grabbing my gear; my tent, mattress and sleeping bag, my cooler and food, and set them on the beach. Once my kayak was empty, I carried everything over to the wooded hill on the left side of the beach. I found a spot and began to set up my small two-person tent.
My hands and fingers worked blindly out of habit, as I’d done it hundreds of times before. My love of camping had been spurred from my nature-loving father and grandfather. My father worked at the nickel mine—like his dad before him, and his dad’s dad. Whenever Dad did have time off, we’d spend it outside, be it fishing or camping. My grandpa and little sister, Olivia, would usually join us, too.
Over the years, we’d camped in all the provincial parks in Ontario. Although Dad loved the outdoors, he wasn’t as knowledgeable as my grandpa had been about the land.
It was because of my grandfather that I’d decided to be an environmental geoscientist. Now, I got paid to collect rock and mineral samples for an international consulting firm. I still worked in the mining sector, travelling to different mines to test ground and rock samples. I mostly worked out of our facility in Sudbury unless they needed me to travel to a site.
My job was rewarding and challenging, but it consumed a lot of my time. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d taken a trip for pleasure, not work.
I arranged my sleeping bag and pillow inside the tent, then tossed my hiking bag inside and zipped it up. With that task completed, I stood up and stretched, working the kinks out of my back and shoulders, and risked another glance in Lux’s direction.
She was remarkable; and for some unexplainable reason she felt like both a memory and a premonition. If I were a betting man, I could count on the fact I was looking at my future.
I’d never bought into the whole love at first sight thing before, but then again…I’d never been struck quite like this upon meeting someone before. I wanted to get to know her, to find out why she called to me.
I thought about offering to help but it looked like they were catching up, and I didn’t want to intrude.
With my tent set up and nothing else to keep me on the hill, I made my way to Desmond’s tent. He’d already finished setting up his one-person tent and was sitting on his cooler in front of it, drinking a beer. He spotted me coming and stood up to open his cooler, fishing one out for me.
“Thanks,” I said, grinning. We were on vacation, and vacation beers were always a good idea. He tossed me a can, and I caught it, popping the tab. I took a deep sip, the cold liquid refreshing in my dry throat, and looked over to where Lux and Jasmine were setting up their tent.
Lux was fluid in her movements, like a dancer. Gracefully crouching and standing, reaching and pulling. It was hard to believe she’d never set up a tent before, what with the easy way she moved, but I could hear Jasmine giving her instructions.
Her tank top rode up enough to reveal a sliver of porcelain skin, and I felt the blood rushing south. I turned back to Desmond and tried not to focus on the sound of her voice.