Page 2 of Riverside Reverie
I couldn’t do any of those things with Brinley, and I’d never been able to count on her. I didn’t think I’d be able to even try, now…unless it was just counting on getting hurt and disappointed by her.
The tears I’d been trying to ignore and control broke free, a few streaming down my cheeks. Defiantly, I wiped them away, forcing myself to take a calming breath.
This had been my tactic ever since receiving the evidence. Brinley sent the Snap a mere two hours before our parents showed up at the dormitory to bring me home for the summer, so I hadn’t had time to really cry about it before they arrived. The clinic I did my co-op at had asked if they could hire me short term to cover a sick leave once my placement ended, which allowed me to stay away from Brinley until graduation in June. I guess that job offer was especially offensive to Brinley, and gave her extra time to work on my graduation “gift” with my ex. I hadn’t let myself cry since seeing the evidence, because I was afraid that once I started, I wouldn’t stop.
I tried not to let myself think about it, because any time I let those thoughts take over, it was like pressing salt into the still-fresh wound. But it was futile—I couldn’t escape the thoughts, the reminders; the cruelness of Brinley’s near-permanent smirk each time we passed each other in the hallway. So, I was running away into the backwoods with no toilets, but also…no Brinley.
The doorbell rang, and a moment later my mother’s voice drifted up the stairs as she greeted Jasmine. Not long after that, I heard footsteps on the stairs.
“Knock, knock! Are you ready?” Jasmine’s voice was muffled from behind my bedroom door. I stepped around the pile of camping gear and opened it, my face caught somewhere between a grimace and a smile.
Her easy grin faded, and she arched a dark brow. “You’re not seriously thinking of bailing, are you?” she demanded. Her wild dark curls were pulled back in a high, messy bun. Her rich brown eyes missed nothing, and already she could tell that something was amiss. She shot me one of her signature no-bullshit looks.
I might be able to lie to myself, but I couldn’t lie to Jasmine.
“Maybe a little,” I admitted, spinning around, eyes going once again to the pile of newly purchased camping gear. All of it was acquired from the list of camping essentials that Jasmine texted. We were going to share a lot of supplies—the tent, the cookware, that sort of thing. Jasmine had packed that stuff, having most of those supplies at home, but I’d still needed to pick up a few things for myself, like a sleeping bag and mattress.
“Why?” Jasmine’s brows were knotted together in confusion. She obviously could see nothing wrong with the pile of stuff I’d wildly gestured at.
“I’ve never been camping before in my life, and I’m going on a trip with a bunch of people I don’t even know who basically have diplomas in nature,” I huffed, crossing my arms, and feeling a little sorry for myself.
I couldn’t help it. I was feeling insecure and anxious about this trip, especially now that Jasmine was here to pick me up. I feared I wouldn’t be able to keep up with everyone, or that I would end up making a fool out of myself.
Jasmine stepped up to me and put her hands on my shoulders, her warm dark eyes drilling into mine. “You’re over-thinking things. It’s going to be fine. They don’t have degrees in nature, they enjoy camping. Do you really want to stay here with the world’s most evil little sister?”
My friend’s eyes travelled behind me, down the hall to the closed door of my sister’s room. Brinley wasn’t there, but the point was well-received.
“You’re right.” I cleared my throat, pushing my emotions away as much as I could. Squatting in the woods was preferable to dealing with Brinley prancing around like she’d won the lottery. After I’d refused to take Scott back, he’d made things official with my sister, and she was still under the belief that she’d won. As far as I was concerned, she could keep her prize.
I’d been spared Brinley’s taunting smirk this morning—she had yet to return from wherever she’d been the night before. But it was only a matter of time until she was home and starting in on me again.
Her little quips about how I didn’t know how to let loose and have fun, that I was far too boring to truly satisfy Scott, and that if I’d cared more about my appearance I might have held onto him were painful burrs embedded in my skin. I didn’t give a rat’s ass about satisfying Scott, not anymore—but I cared that Brinley had to taunt me. I cared that she poked at my insecurities and uncertainties. Sisters were supposed to lift you up, not tear you down. It seemed like Brinley was hellbent on tearing me down every time she got the chance—always when our parents weren’t within ear shot.
“I’m always right. I don’t feel bad at all about steamrolling you into coming. I know you’re going to have fun, and you need to get away from the drama for a bit.”
“I am looking forward to that,” I sighed. That was the silver lining right there: getting away from the drama. I hated drama, and yet I’d been forced into it every time I had to deal with my sister.
Jasmine sent a comforting smile my way, then started grabbing things from my pile of gear. With her help, we were able to carry everything down in one go.
My mother was waiting in the foyer, a bemused smile on her full lips as she watched us. Her blue eyes twinkled as she came in for a hug I couldn’t return, what with my arms as full as they were. I knew before she opened her mouth that she was going to say something that would embarrass me, and I was thankful only Jasmine was around to bear witness.
“Have a fun trip! I slipped a box of condoms in your bag when you were in the shower,” she sang as she pulled back.
“Mom!” I said, my cheeks heating. Shaking my head incredulously, I rolled my eyes.
“What? I remember my single days,” she said, winking at me. “There might be an opportunity that you don’t want to miss out on,” she laughed again at the horrified look on my face. Jasmine sniggered, and I glared at her.
Mom had heard about my breakup with Scott, but she hadn’t heard the reason, or that Brinley was now seeing him. That news would disappoint my parents.
They had done their best to raise us to be each other’s best friend and constant source of support. Brinley must not have gotten the memo. It’s not very friendly or supportive to sleep with your sister’s boyfriend, or to send her a picture on Snap of yourself in bed with him.
“Okay, then. I’m leaving now. Bye, Mom.”
“Bye, honey! Have a wonderful time!”
I followed Jasmine out the door to her CRV, the red canoe already strapped down to the roof. She slid the cooler toward the back of the open trunk. I placed the tote I carried inside, then tossed my hiking bag on top of it.
“Tell me more about who’s all going?” I asked as we loaded the rest of my things into the back. I’d been so occupied with ensuring I had all the camping essentials I’d need, that I hadn’t really had time to ask questions. Now, I was curious about the people I’d be spending the next several days and nights with.