Page 31 of Riverside Reverie
Baz passed us the bottle and we refilled. “Your turn, Lux.”
“Never have I ever…” I thought for a minute, my mind going blank. “Had a friend with benefits!”
“Woo, shit’s getting interesting now!” Talia grinned before tossing her shot back. Zoey and Kai also took theirs, and so did Theo, Baz, and Rhiannon. Once everyone’s shot glass was topped off, it was Theo’s turn.
“Never have I ever…been in love,” he said. It wasn’t surprising to me that Rhiannon, Baz, Kai and Zoey all took a shot, but Talia and Desmond also tipped their shot glasses back. Jasmine hesitated with hers as she watched Desmond, like she wasn’t entirely sure about herself, but she didn’t lift it to her lips. I didn’t lift mine, either. I knew I hadn’t been in love with Scott. Theo was watching me, though, and a small smile appeared on his lips.
“Never have I ever…kissed a friend’s ex,” Desmond grinned wryly, his focus on Theo. Theo shook his head, an ashamed expression befalling him, and tossed his glass back, taking the shot. I couldn’t help but wonder what the story was there. Had Theo kissed the person Desmond was—or had been—in love with?
“We were in grade seven, I don’t think it really counted,” Theo explained, catching my curious gaze.
“Oh, it counted,” Desmond assured him.
“Never have I ever…kissed someone I just met!” Zoey exclaimed. Rhiannon and Baz groaned, both tossing back their shots. Talia, Jasmine, and Kai also drank theirs. Theo’s eyes met mine across the fire again, and I swear I had this feeling that the next time that question was asked during a never have I ever game, I’d be answering differently.
The bottle of tequila was empty after that last refill, most of the group was really feeling it. I’d only had to take one shot of tequila, so I was feeling alright.
“Last question of the night!” Baz declared, shaking the empty bottle at Kai. “Make it a good one!”
“Never have I ever…gone skinny dipping!” Kai grinned. Every single person took a shot, but me.
“Really? Never ever?” Talia asked me.
“Yeah, never,” I laughed, feeling even more inexperienced.
“It’s so fun!” Talia exclaimed. “Let’s do it now, cross that off your Never Have I Ever list.”
“I don’t know…” I said, my face heating with embarrassment.
“Come on, Lux! It’s dark and Talia’s right, it really is fun!” Jasmine urged me, her eyes pleading with mine. She tilted her head a little to Theo, daring me.
I bit my lip, considering. “Alright, fine. Let’s do it!”
“Hell yeah!” Talia whooped, jumping out of her floaty and nearly stumbling into the fire. Baz caught her by grabbing the back of her shirt and yanking her away from the flames. Talia barely skipped a beat, propelling herself toward the water, taking her clothes off as she went.
“Are you sure it’s safe, with most of you guys as drunk as you are?” I asked with concern, eyeing Talia in particular. I think she drank to every question asked.
“Safer than the fire,” Baz pointed out, standing up and holding his hand out to help Rhiannon. Kai and Zoey were racing to the water to join Talia, who was already running in stark naked. Chapter Ten: Starlight Secrets
I could tell Lux was a little uncomfortable with the idea of skinny dipping from the way she hung back, apprehension clouding her expression—but Jasmine wasn’t taking no for an answer.
“Come on, it’s so much fun! Finish your shot and let’s do it!” Jasmine urged, handing Lux her shot glass. Lux hesitated for a moment, her eyes going to me. Then that look of determination played in her eyes, and she tossed back the tequila before shivering.
“Fine, let’s do it,” she said resolutely. Jasmine grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the beach. They paused at the shoreline, pulling their clothes off piece by piece while Desmond disappeared long enough to grab everyone’s towels off the line, since nobody seemed to be thinking ahead about after the dip.
I swallowed hard as Lux bent to pull her pants down. Then her shirt came off, and I had to turn around lest I approach the water with very noticeable excitement.
“Oh-la-la!” Talia called out with appreciation as Lux and Jasmine ran into the water. I couldn’t help but sneak a peek, the moonlight illuminating Lux’s perfect pale ass and her smooth back. That was enough to give me heart palpitations, I couldn’t imagine what the front view was like.
I waited for Desmond to return with the towels, thinking as many unpleasant thoughts as I possibly could before I finally headed toward the water. I started walking, shucking my clothes as I went.
We’d skinny dipped as a group while drunk a thousand times before, but there was something inherently different about doing it with Lux around. Maybe it was that I’d never been attracted to anyone in the group before; and I was immensely attracted to her. Knowing she was naked was ruining me in the best way.
Luckily, the jolt of cold water at my hips was enough to quiet the biological reaction I felt around her. I dove beneath the water, immerging myself fully. The shock of cool water chasing away the drunken haze I’d been in.
When I resurfaced, I was about an arm’s length away from Lux. The dark water obscured everything, but the look in her eyes when our gazes connected unveiled the desire brewing between us both.