Page 90 of Fire and Bones
“Skylar Reese Hill, Danny Green, Johnnie Lamar Star, Jawaad el-Aman.”
I listed the names to let Deery know I was already solidly inside Thacker’s loop. He ignored me.
“Star and Green are out.”
“They were drug dealers.”
“Which made them easy to track.”
“I take it you have reliable sources on the street?”
“If someone ordered a hit on Green or Star, word would have spread like wildfire.”
Given that Deery seemed devoid of humor, I assumed the pun was unintended.
“I brought in the feds for el-Aman,” he continued.
“The State Department?”
“Among other resources. El-Aman’s father is wealthy and political and has pull with powerful people in Syria. I ran him and every KA through the system.” Deery used the acronym for known associate. “Floated queries with the Syrian police and Interpol. The man has some unsavory friends and scores of enemies.”
“You interviewed him?”
Deery looked at me like I’d asked if fish need water.
“El-Aman stated that he was devastated by his son’s death, that he believed the fire was accidental, that he’d pursue prosecution of those responsible for unsafe conditions leading to an accidental fire. Otherwise, on advice of counsel, he said zip.”
“Why was he in DC?”
“He said he’d come here to attend a meeting with financial advisors at Bank of America. The bank says no such meeting was scheduled.”
“Was el-Aman cooperative?”
“Of course not.”
“Might he—”
“I’m working it.” Clipped. “Then there’s Hill’s husband.”
“Alvon Finrock.”
“Finrock claims he was in Canada when his wife died.”
“Border patrol says otherwise. Finrock entered the US by car, crossing at Niagara Falls two days before the fire. His MasterCard was used at gas stations in New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. The last fill-up was at a Sunoco on Virginia Avenue in Northwest DC. On the morning of the fire.”
Holy jumping Jesus.
“Finrock has a jacket,” I said. “DUI, drunk and disorderly, a juvie B and E.”
If Deery was impressed by my knowledge, he didn’t let on. Or maybe he did. Hard to tell with his face.
“Emails and texts sent to Hill indicate Finrock was controlling and abusive. One thread contains threats of violence should Hill not return and commit to their marriage.”
“Where is he now?” I asked.
“Still in the States, but in the wind. I’ve issued a BOLO.” Deery used the police acronym for Be on the Lookout. “We’ll get him.”